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How to remove ear wax from baby


To clean the baby's ear, a towel, cloth diaper or gauze can be used, always avoiding the use of the cotton swab, as it facilitates the occurrence of accidents, such as rupture of the eardrum and plugging of the ear with wax.

Then, you must follow the following step-by-step:

  1. Lay the baby on a safe surface; Turn the baby's head so that the ear is facing upwards; Lightly soak the tip of the diaper, towel or gauze in warm water without soap; Squeeze the fabric to remove excess water; Pass the damp towel, diaper or gauze through the outside of the ear, to remove the dirt; Dry the ear with a soft towel.

It is important to remember that only the external dirt must be removed, as the wax is naturally drained from the ear and eliminated during the bath.

Wax is a substance produced naturally by the body to protect the ear against the ingress of dust and dirt, in addition to forming a barrier that prevents the entry of microorganisms that cause infections, such as otitis.

When to clean baby's ear

The baby's ear can be cleaned every day after bathing, following the steps indicated. This routine is able to keep the ear canal free of excess wax that can affect your hearing and cause infections.

However, if there is an excessive accumulation of earwax, it is advisable to consult the pediatrician to make a professional cleaning and assess if there is any problem with the ear.

When wax can indicate a problem

The normal wax is thin and yellowish in color, being naturally drained by a small canal inside the ear. However, when there are problems with the ear, the wax may vary in color and thickness, becoming more liquid or thick.

In addition, when there is a problem, the baby may show other signs such as rubbing the ears, sticking a finger in the ear or even having a fever if an infection is developing. In these cases, it is important to go to the pediatrician to make an assessment and start the appropriate treatment.

How to prevent inflammation in the ear

Inflammation in the ear, also known as ear infections, can be prevented with simple measures such as drying the baby's ear well after bathing, cleaning the outside and the back of the baby's ears well as explained above, and not leaving the ears of the baby under water while bathing. Check how to properly bathe the baby to avoid this problem.

In addition, you should never use any sharp object to try to remove the wax or help clean the inside of the ear, such as swabs, staples or toothpicks, as it can easily open wounds or rupture the child's eardrum.

How to remove ear wax from baby