Home Bulls Acne: step-by-step to wash your face properly

Acne: step-by-step to wash your face properly


Washing the face is very important in the treatment of acne, as it allows to reduce the oiliness of the skin, in addition to eliminating the excess of bacteria P. acnes, which are one of the main causes of the appearance of acne in many people.

So, the ideal is to wash your face at least twice a day, once in the morning after waking up, to eliminate the oil that accumulates during the night, and another at the end of the day, before going. sleep, to clean up the oil that has been gathering throughout the day.

Correct technique for washing the face

When washing your face, follow these steps:

  1. Wash your hands before washing your face, to eliminate the bacteria that may be on the skin; Wet your face with warm or cold water; Rub your face gently with your own soap, using your hands; Drying the face with a soft towel and giving light taps, as rubbing the towel can make the skin more irritated.

The towel used to dry the face, in addition to being soft, ideally should also be small and individual, so that it can be placed to wash right afterwards. This is because, when cleaning the face, the acne bacteria stay on the towel and can multiply, returning to the skin when using the towel a second time.

What is the best soap to wash your face

The soap used should only be ' oil free ', ' oil-free ' or 'anti-comedogenic', and there is no need to use antiseptic or exfoliating soaps, as they can dry out the skin or worsen skin inflammation. Soaps with acetylsalicylic acid should also only be used with the dermatologist's indication, since many creams used in the treatment already contain this substance in their composition, which may cause overdosing.

What to do after washing your face

After washing your face it is also essential to moisturize your skin with an oil free or mattifying cream, such as Effaclar by La Roche-posay or Normaderm by Vichy, because although the skin produces a lot of oil, it is usually very dehydrated, making it difficult the treatment.

In addition, the use of acne creams indicated by the dermatologist must be maintained, as well as an adequate diet that helps to reduce the oil production of the skin. Here are some tips from our nutritionist:

See also a list of the best foods to treat acne.

Acne: step-by-step to wash your face properly