Home Symptoms How to know if it is fever (and how to measure correctly)

How to know if it is fever (and how to measure correctly)


The safest way to find out if you have a fever is to use the thermometer to measure the temperature, and not rely on just putting your hand on your forehead or the back of your neck, for example.

When using the mercury thermometer, which is the most common, fever should be considered when the temperature in the armpit is 37.8ºC. Since the temperature of 37.5ºC is easily reached when it is very hot or the person has many layers of clothing, for example.

In cases where the temperature is over 39ºC it is recommended to go immediately to the emergency room, as high fever can cause seizures or endanger the person's life.

How to measure body temperature

To measure body temperature you can use:

  • Mercury thermometer: just place the metal tip in the armpit, in direct contact with the skin and wait at least 3 minutes to check if you have a fever; Digital thermometer: Point the thermometer tip at the forehead or inside the ear, after the beep it will show the temperature; Soft tip thermometer: Insert the metal tip into the baby's or child's anus while it is quiet and wait at least 3 minutes to check for fever.

The best thermometer is the soft tip because it can be inserted into the anus, which is the correct body temperature, since the skin cools faster. The variation can reach 1ºC.

How many degrees is fever in the adult

The normal body temperature varies between 35.4ºC and 37.2ºC, however, it can vary in situations of flu or infection, such as pneumonia, for example. The main variations in body temperature include:

  • Slightly increased temperature, or subfebrile: between 37.4ºC and 38ºC. In these cases, other symptoms usually appear, such as chills, tremors or redness of the face and the first layer of clothing should be removed, a bath of lukewarm water or drinking water; Fever: temperature above 38.1ºC. In the case of the adult, it is recommended to take a 1000 mg tablet of Paracetamol, stick with only one layer of clothing and place cold compresses on the forehead. If the temperature does not decrease after 3 hours, you should go to the emergency room; High fever: temperature above 41 ºC should be considered a medical emergency and, therefore, the person should always be evaluated by a doctor.

In addition, the temperature can also be lower than normal, that is, less than 35.4ºC. This usually happens when the person is exposed to the cold for a long time. In these cases, try to remove the source of the cold and put on several layers of clothing, drink hot tea or heat the house, for example.

How to measure fever in the baby

The body temperature in the baby should be measured with the thermometer, as in the adult, and preference should be given to the most comfortable and fast thermometers, such as digital or infrared.

However, the ideal place to assess the baby's temperature more accurately is the anus and, in these cases, the digital thermometer with a soft tip should be used so as not to hurt the baby.

What temperature is fever in the baby

The baby's body temperature is different from the adult, and the normal is for the temperature to vary between 36ºC and 37ºC, and the thermometer value should be evaluated as follows:

  • High temperature: between 37.1ºC and 37.5ºC. In these cases, the baby should be stripped off and given a warm bath; Fever: anal temperature above 37.8ºC. In these cases, parents should consult a pediatrician to guide the use of medicines for fever or the need to take the baby to the emergency room; Low body temperature (hypothermia) : less than 35.5ºC. In these cases, the baby should be put on another layer of clothing and avoid drafts. If the temperature does not rise in the next 30 minutes, the baby should be taken to the emergency room.

The temperature variations in the baby are not always due to illness or infection, and may vary due to the amount of clothes worn, the birth of teeth, the reaction of some vaccine or due to the temperature of the environment, for example.

Check how to identify the cause of fever in the baby and lower the temperature naturally.

How much to take medicine to lower the fever

Removing excess clothes and taking a warm bath is a good way to lower your body temperature, but when that is not enough, your doctor may recommend taking an antipyretic to lower your fever. The most suitable remedy is Paracetamol, which can be taken up to 3 times a day. See other medicines to lower the fever.

When to measure the temperature

Body temperature should be measured at rest and never immediately after physical activity or after a bath, as the value may not be real. Therefore, in these cases, one should rest, in a cool and airy place, for about 15 to 30 minutes before using the thermometer.

How to know if it is fever (and how to measure correctly)