Home Bulls How to call an ambulance, fireman or the police

How to call an ambulance, fireman or the police


To ask for help first of all take into account your own safety and that of the victim and then call one of these numbers, as needed:

  • To call an ambulance (SAMU) call: 192To call the Military Police (PM) call: 190To call the Fire Department call: 193

When they answer the phone, say your name and the location of the incident, if you don't know the name of the street, say what you see, a sign, a sign, a store, or give any other reference point that will help you get to the place o as soon as possible.

If possible, also tell whether the victim is a man or a woman, his approximate age and it is very important to say how many victims need help. After hanging up the phone, go back and stay close to the victim, watching over his safety and only leave the scene when help arrives.

How to call an ambulance, fireman or the police