Home Bulls How to burn abdominal fat for 48 hours

How to burn abdominal fat for 48 hours


The best strategy to burn abdominal fat for 48 hours is to do long-term, high-intensity aerobic exercise, such as running, for example.

The most important thing is the effort that the person makes and not only the training time so half an hour of running, twice a week is already able to burn a lot of accumulated fat under the skin and also inside the arteries. With the advantage that you can train anywhere, in the square, on the street, in the countryside or on the beach, at the best time for you and you can still participate in the running competitions that take place in major cities.

How to burn fat with running

The secret to burning fat is to train, making a lot of effort, because the more muscle contraction is necessary, in a rhythmic and continuous way, as in running, the more efficient the fat burning will be. In a marathon, where it is necessary to run 42 km, the metabolism can increase to 2 000%, and the body temperature can reach 40ÂșC.

But you don't have to run a marathon to burn all of your fat. Start slowly and progress slowly.

How to start running to burn fat

Those who are overweight and have abdominal fat to burn can start running slowly, but if they are obese they should first start with walking and only after the doctor releases can they start running, but slowly and gradually.

You can start with workouts of just 1 km, followed by 500 meters of walking and another 1 k of running. If you succeed, do this series 3 times in a row and you will have managed to run 6 km and walk 1.5 km. But don't worry if you don't get the full workout on the first day, focus on increasing your training each week.

This fat burning can also be achieved in an aerobic workout that you can do at home in just 7 minutes. See a great workout here.

When will I see the results

Those who practice running twice a week can lose at least 2 kg per month without having to change their diet, but to enhance this fat loss they must restrict alcoholic beverages and foods high in fat and sugar. After 6 to 8 months of running, you can lose about 12 kg in a healthy way.

Because running burns so much fat

Running is excellent for burning fat because during a 1-hour workout the body increases metabolism so much that the body gets even hotter, as if the person had a fever.

This temperature rise starts during training but can stay until the next day and the hotter the body is, the more fat the body will be burning. However, for this to happen it takes physical effort as it is no use wearing heavy clothes or training with a jacket when it is summer. This will only hinder the regulation of body temperature, eliminating water unnecessarily and harmful to health and will not burn fat.

Warning signs

Running is a practical exercise that you can do on the street, without having to enroll in a gym, which is an advantage for many people but despite that advantage, not being accompanied by a doctor or trainer can be dangerous. Some warning signs are:

  • Sensation of cold and chills; Headache; Vomiting; Great tiredness.

These symptoms can indicate hyperthermia which is when the temperature gets so high that it is harmful and can lead to death. This can happen even on days that are not very hot, but when the humidity in the air is very high and does not favor perspiration.

How to burn abdominal fat for 48 hours