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Fracture recovery time and how to recover faster


The total recovery time from a fracture can be 20 days to 6 months or more, depending on the individual's age and ability to recover. Generally, children recover from a fracture in less than 2 months and the elderly and it can take up to 1 year to recover completely, especially when it comes to a fracture in the femur, for example.

This time varies according to the type of fracture because open or comminuted fractures take longer to heal completely, and the younger the individual, the greater his or her capacity for bone recovery and remodeling. Prolonged immobilization in the elderly can worsen osteoporosis, however, it is essential to remain in a cast so that the bone can be consolidated.

People who consume alcoholic beverages in an exaggerated and constant way have a longer recovery time because ethanol is toxic and negatively affects bones, decreasing cell proliferation, protein synthesis and alkaline phosphatase activity, which are fundamental for bone health.

Read also: Treatment for fracture

Tips to recover faster from fracture

To recover from a fracture faster it is advisable to follow some practical advice, such as:

  • Staying in a cast for the time recommended by the doctor, avoiding making efforts, however, absolute rest is not recommended; Increase the consumption of foods rich in calcium because this favors bone healing. Some examples: milk, dairy products, avocado and broccoli. More examples in: Foods rich in calciumIncrease the consumption of foods rich in vitamin C, such as: orange, lemon, acerola and pineapple because they act in the regeneration of all tissues. See more at: Foods rich in vitamin CTomar a hydrolyzed collagen supplement, with the knowledge of the doctor or nutritionist. This supplement guarantees the faster formation of cartilage tissues, being especially indicated for fractures near the joints or involving joints; Do not consume alcoholic beverages during the bone immobilization phase; Invest in foods with anti-inflammatory properties, such as garlic, onion, tuna and salmon. See others: Anti-inflammatory foodsKeep glucose controlled and avoid sweet foods, as the more blood sugar, the worse the healing.

Following these recommendations is important to ensure perfect bone healing and regeneration of injured tissues. Find other tips to make your bones stronger and recover faster from fractures by watching this video:

How to recover movement and muscle strength after fracture

To recover movement and muscle strength after a period of immobilization it is advisable to undergo physical therapy. The immobilized joint tends to become very rigid and in order to recover its movement, joint mobilization exercises are recommended and strengthening exercises are essential for the individual to recover completely.

To complement the physical therapy treatment at home, it can be useful:

  • Putting the affected part in a basin with warm water and performing some exercises while still in the water can help, as the warm water will decrease the sensation of pain and the movements will be more easily performed; keep moving your fingers several times a day when the arm, hand or leg are immobilized; rest with the limb in a higher position, as this prevents swelling, speeding recovery.

Regarding the complete recovery of the fracture, it is important to have real expectations and to proceed slowly. Rarely will an individual who has been in a cast for more than 30 days be able to perform all the movements that the joint allowed in less than 4 or 5 days. However, over time the movements may return to normal.

Fracture recovery time and how to recover faster