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How to use fiber to lose weight


To use fibers to lose weight, you must consume fiber at every meal, every day, because they bring benefits such as decreased appetite and improved intestinal transit because they capture water, forming a kind of gel in the stomach and ferment in the intestine., facilitating the elimination of feces.

In addition, fibers decrease the absorption of sugar and fat intake, having a good long-term effect on the weight loss process. Other benefits include decreased risk of certain types of cancer, such as colon, rectum and breast cancer, in addition to preventing osteoporosis. To use the fibers to lose weight it is necessary:

1. Eat fiber with every meal

The secret to increasing fiber intake is to opt for fresh foods like fruits, vegetables, and cereals, which have good amounts of fiber, thus distributing them for each meal. A good example of a high fiber menu is:

Breakfast 1 glass of natural orange juice + wholemeal bread with white cheese + coffee
Morning snack 1 apple with peel + 2 toast with curd
Lunch 1 bowl of salad with tomato, watercress, arugula and sesame + boiled vegetables + lean meat or boiled egg + 1 pear with peel for dessert
Afternoon snack 1 cup of yogurt with whole grains
Dinner Cooked vegetables + boiled fish + rice with broccoli + 1/2 papaya for dessert
Supper 1 cup of tea

Although there are two types of dietary fiber, soluble and insoluble, both contribute to weight loss and maintenance. Good dietary sources of soluble fiber are found in the husks of grains such as corn, soybeans and chickpeas, and in shelled fruits. While insoluble fibers are found in greater quantities in the pulp of fruits such as apples, vegetables such as carrots, oat bran and legumes such as lentils and beans.

To find out the amount of fiber present in the most common foods see: Foods rich in fiber.

2. Add fiber to everything you eat

Another way to increase your daily fiber intake is to add 1 tablespoon of oats or bran to milk, yogurt or soup, for example. Chia, flaxseed and sesame seeds can easily be added to salads and fruit salads.

You can put these ingredients in small containers and always have them on hand to add in juice or yogurt when you are at work, thus increasing your fiber intake with every meal.

In addition to consuming fiber in a natural way, it may be useful to take a fiber supplement that can be purchased at pharmacies or drugstores. These fibers can be soluble or insoluble and can be added to water, milk, tea, soup or juice. Some have flavor, others don't. Those with flavor can be added to the water, while the others can be used in any liquid.

A detail that is very important to ensure the proper use of fibers, whether from natural or industrialized sources, is to drink 1.5 to 2 liters of water, tea or juice per day.

3. Prefer whole foods

Various foods can be found in whole form, such as bread, biscuits, rice and pasta and these should replace the refined ones, which are lighter. Wholegrains have a slightly different flavor and are more expensive, but have numerous health benefits, in addition to reducing hunger.

Watch and see other ideas on how to lose weight in a healthy way by eating more fiber.

How to use fiber to lose weight