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Learn how to fight bullying in schools


The fight against bullying must be done in the school itself with measures that promote students' awareness of bullying and its consequences in order to make students able to better respect differences and be more supportive of each other.

Bullying can be characterized as an act of physical or psychological aggression that is constantly done intentionally by one person to another who is more fragile, being more often in a school environment, and that can have a negative impact on the development of the child victim of bullying .

How to fight bullying

The fight against bullying must start in the school itself, and it is important that strategies for the prevention and awareness of bullying be adopted, aimed at both students and family. These strategies may involve lecturing with psychologists, for example, with the aim of making students aware of bullying and its consequences.

In addition, it is important that the pedagogical team is trained to identify cases of bullying and, thus, apply measures to combat it. Usually what has the most effect in combating bullying is dialogue, so that teachers have a closer relationship with students and make them more comfortable to talk. This dialogue is also important so that teachers are able to make their students aware of bullying and, thus, form more empathetic people, who know how to deal with conflicts and respect differences, which can reduce the occurrence of bullying .

It is also important that the school has a close relationship with the parents, so that they are communicated about everything that happens in the school environment, the child's performance and relationship with other students. This close relationship between parents and schools is extremely important, as victims of bullying often do not comment on the aggression suffered, and thus, parents may not know what is happening with their child. Learn to recognize the signs of bullying at school.

One way to promote greater awareness about bullying at school and its consequences, identification of bullying cases, conflict management and a closer relationship with parents and students, is through a school psychologist, who is able to assess, analyze and promote reflections related to bullying . Thus, this professional becomes fundamental, as he is better able to identify changes in the behavior of students that might suggest bullying , and thus can create intervention and awareness strategies within the school.

It is important that bullying at school is identified and combated effectively to avoid some complications for the victim, such as drop in school performance, panic and anxiety attacks, difficulties sleeping and eating disorders, for example. Learn about other consequences of bullying .

Bullying Law

In 2015, Law No. 13, 185 / 15 was instituted, which became popularly known as the Bullying Law, since it promotes the institution of a program to combat systemic intimidation, so that bullying cases are notified in order to plan actions of awareness and combating bullying in schools.

Thus, according to the law, any and all acts of intentional physical or psychological violence against a person or group, which have no evident motivation and which cause intimidation, aggression or humiliation, are considered bullying .

When the practice of bullying is identified and notified, it is possible that the person responsible for the act will be subjected to socio-educational measures, in the case of being a minor, and despite not being arrested or responding criminally for bullying , that person may be hospitalized in institutions defined by the Child and Adolescent Statute.

Learn how to fight bullying in schools