Home Home-Remedies Calendula compress for burns

Calendula compress for burns


Marigold is a great home remedy for first-degree burns because it helps in healing and reducing pain, since it is rich in substances with analgesic, healing and anti-inflammatory action.

Although it is found in the form of an ointment, which can be purchased at the pharmacy, you can make a homemade solution to use and relieve pain and discomfort. Just make a tea and then dip a gauze in the cold tea, to use as a compress.



  • 2 g of marigold flowers150 ml boiling water

Method of preparation

Add the ingredients in a pan, cover and let stand for about 15 minutes. Then immerse compresses in the mixture and apply on the burn 3 to 4 times a day for 10 minutes.

This compress can also be used by people of all ages, and is also useful in the treatment of various types of injuries, such as cuts, wounds, allergies and muscle bruises.

Calendula compress for burns