- 1. External absorber
- 2. Absorbent
- 3. Menstrual collector
- 4. Absorbent sponge
- 5. Absorbent panties
- 6. Daily protector
Currently, there are several types of tampons on the market that respond to the needs of all women and the phases of the menstrual cycle. Absorbents can be external, internal or even integrated into panties.
Find out which one is right for you and how to use it:
1. External absorber
The tampon is generally the option most used by women and is a product that can be found in different sizes and shapes and different thicknesses and components.
Thus, to choose the absorbent, one must know if the flow is light, moderate or intense and take into account the type of panties that the person wears. For women who have a light to moderate flow, thinner and more adaptable pads, which are adapted to more low-cut panties, can be used.
For women who have an intense flow, or often suffer from leaks, it is best to choose thicker or more absorbent pads, preferably with flaps. In addition to these absorbents, there are also nocturnal ones, which are thicker and have a greater absorption capacity for a longer time and therefore can be used throughout the night.
As for the coverage of the pads, they can have a dry cover, due to a material that prevents the person from feeling moisture on the skin, but that can cause more allergies and irritation, or soft cover, which are softer and cotton, but which they do not prevent the feeling of moisture on the skin, but they are more suitable for women who develop allergies or irritation. Here's how to deal with the allergy to the pad.
How to use
To use the pad, it must be glued to the center of the panties, and if it has flaps, they should outline the panties on the sides. It is recommended to change the absorbent every 4 hours and in cases of more intense flow, every 2 or 3 hours, in order to avoid leaks, bad smells or infections. In the case of nighttime pads, they can be used all night, up to a maximum of 10 hours.
2. Absorbent
Tampons are also widely used by women and are a great option for those who wish to continue to go to the beach, the pool or exercise during their menstrual period.
To choose the most suitable tampon, one must take into account the intensity of the menstrual flow, as there are several sizes available. There are also women who have difficulty putting it on, and for these cases there are tampons with an applicator, which are easier to insert into the vagina.
How to use
To place the tampon correctly and safely, you should wash your hands thoroughly, unwind the absorbent cord and stretch it, insert your index finger into the base of the absorbent, separate the lips from the vagina with your free hand and gently push the tampon into the vagina, towards the back, because the vagina is tilted back, thus making it easier to insert the tampon.
To facilitate placement, the woman can apply it standing up, with one leg supported on a higher place, or sitting on the toilet, with her knees apart. The tampon should be replaced every 4 hours. See more about how to use tampon safely.
3. Menstrual collector
Menstrual collectors are an alternative to tampons, with the advantage of not polluting the environment and having a duration of about 10 years. Generally, these products are made of medicinal silicone or a type of rubber used in the production of surgical material, making them very malleable and hypoallergenic.
There are several sizes available that should be chosen according to the needs of each woman, and should be purchased taking into account some factors, such as the height of the cervix, which if it is low, one should choose a shorter menstrual cup and if it is tall, a longer one should be used; menstrual flow intensity, which the bigger, the bigger the collector must be and other factors, such as the strength of the pelvic muscles, so it is important to consult the gynecologist before obtaining the product.
How to use
To place the menstrual cup, the person must sit on the toilet with the knees apart, bend the cup as shown on the packaging and in the image shown above, insert the folded cup into the vagina and finally rotate the cup to make sure if it is perfectly seated, without folds.
The correct position of the menstrual cups is closer to the entrance of the vaginal canal and not at the bottom, as with other tampons. See also how to remove the menstrual cup and how to clean it correctly.
4. Absorbent sponge
Although it is not yet a widely used product, absorbent sponges are also a very comfortable and practical option and are free of chemicals, thus preventing irritation and allergic manifestations.
There are several different sizes that must be chosen depending on the intensity of the woman's menstrual flow and have the advantage of allowing women to maintain sexual intercourse with them.
How to use
These sponges should be inserted into the vagina as deeply as possible, in a position that facilitates their placement, such as sitting on the toilet with your knees apart or standing with your leg on a surface slightly higher than the floor.
As it does not have a thread like ordinary absorbents, it can be a little more difficult to remove and therefore it is necessary to have some agility to remove it and for that, you must pull the sponge through a hole in the center.
5. Absorbent panties
Absorbent panties have the appearance of normal panties, but with the ability to absorb menstruation and dry quickly, avoiding allergic reactions, not least because they have no irritating ingredients.
These panties are adapted for women with mild to moderate menstrual flow, and for those women with intense flow, they can also use these panties as a complement to another type of absorbent. In addition, these absorbent panties are reusable and for that, just wash them with soap and water.
How to use
To enjoy its effect, just put on the panties and change them every day. On more intense days, it is advisable to change the panties earlier, every 5 to 8 hours.
As they are reusable, they should be washed daily with mild soap and water.
6. Daily protector
The daily protector is a much thinner type of absorbent, which should not be used during the menstrual period, because it has a reduced absorption capacity. These products are for use at the end or at the beginning of menstruation, when the woman already has only small blood losses and small residues.
Although many women use these protectors daily to absorb vaginal secretions and do not soil their panties, this habit is not recommended, because the intimate area becomes more humid and prevents air circulation, making it more susceptible to irritation and the development of infections.
How to use
Just place the protector in the center of the panties, which usually has an adhesive underneath it to stay in place throughout the day and, if possible, change every 4 hours.