Home Symptoms 4 Diseases transmitted by urban pigeons

4 Diseases transmitted by urban pigeons


Pigeons are very common animals in any city, but they can be a danger to human health, since they can transmit various diseases, known as zoonoses, such as cryptococcosis or salmonellosis, for example.

However, the transmission of this type of disease happens mainly through poop and, therefore, although it is not necessary to eliminate pigeons, care must be taken to avoid direct contact with the faeces. In addition, it is important that cities do an adequate cleaning of the feces, since, when they dry, they can turn to dust and end up being inhaled by people and the infectious agent responsible for the disease can be fixed to the lungs, causing complications.

The main diseases transmitted by pigeons are:

1. Cryptococcosis

Cryptococcosis is one of the main diseases transmitted by urban pigeons and is caused by a fungus that lives and develops in the feces, Cryptococcus neoformans . When spores of this fungus are inhaled, there is an initial impairment of the lung and as the fungus develops, it spreads to other parts of the body through the bloodstream, reaching the nervous system and resulting in meningitis, which is a serious complication of cryptococcosis.

Cryptococcus neoformans is considered an opportunistic fungus, that is, the development of the disease happens when the immune system is compromised, mainly because of the infection by the HIV virus. Thus, depending on the person's immune system, there may or may not develop the disease and variation in the severity of symptoms.

Main symptoms: The symptoms of cryptococcosis vary according to the degree of impairment of the person's immune system, however the most common are feeling of shortness of breath, constant sneezing, runny nose, weakness and pain throughout the body. Learn to recognize the symptoms of cryptococcosis.

What to do: It is recommended that the person goes to the emergency room to confirm the diagnosis, since the symptoms are similar to many other diseases, including influenza, and, thus, the treatment, which is done with the use of antifungals such as Amphotericin B or Fluconazole for 6 to 10 weeks according to medical advice.

2. Salmonellosis

Although salmonellosis is more frequent after eating poorly washed or poorly prepared foods, transmission of Salmonella bacteria can also occur due to pigeon poop. This is because when feces dry and become dust, they can be carried by the wind and become trapped in fruits and vegetables that, if not properly washed, can contaminate people.

Main symptoms: Symptoms of salmonellosis are usually gastrointestinal, with nausea and vomiting for more than 24 hours, severe diarrhea, low fever and constant belly pain.

What to do: Most of the time the symptoms improve after 3 days, it is only recommended to rest at home, eat light meals and drink plenty of water. However, if the symptoms do not improve, you should go to the doctor to start treatment with antibiotics and administration of serum directly from the vein to prevent dehydration.

3. Viral encephalitis

Pigeons are one of the most important reservoirs for viruses such as West Nile virus or Saint Louis encephalitis. These diseases can infect the nervous system and cause different symptoms, including loss of consciousness and risk of death. This type of encephalitis is transmitted by mosquitoes, which after biting pigeons, can bite humans and pass on the virus.

Main symptoms: Symptoms vary according to the virus and severity, however frequent symptoms are severe headache, high fever and seizures, for example.

What to do: It is recommended to go immediately to the emergency room to make the diagnosis and start the appropriate treatment, which usually includes the use of antipyretics, such as Paracetamol and anticonvulsants, such as Carbamazepine. Learn more about encephalitis and its treatment.

4. Escherichia coli infection

Escherichia coli , also called E. coli , is a bacterium that lives in the intestines of humans, but is also present in large quantities in the pigeons' feces. To avoid this type of infection it is important to wash your hands after being in an environment with pigeons, such as parks, for example.

Main symptoms: Thus, like salmonellosis, the symptoms of E. coli infection are intestinal, with abdominal pain, excessive tiredness, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Learn how to identify the signs of E. coli infection.

What to do: In many cases, Escherichia coli infection can be treated at home with rest, water and light food. However, if the symptoms are very intense, if they get worse or if they appear in children or the elderly, it is important to go to the emergency room to start using drugs that improve the symptoms while the body fights the infection.

4 Diseases transmitted by urban pigeons