Home Symptoms Pain in the mouth of the stomach: main causes and what to do

Pain in the mouth of the stomach: main causes and what to do


Pain in the mouth of the stomach is the popular name for the so-called epigastric pain or epigastric pain, which is the pain that arises in the upper part of the abdomen, just below the chest, a region that corresponds to the place where the stomach begins.

Most of the time, this pain is not a cause for concern, and can indicate some change in the stomach, esophagus or beginning of the intestine, such as reflux, gastritis or poor digestion, for example, and is usually associated with other symptoms, such as heartburn, feeling sick, vomiting, gas, bloating or diarrhea, for example.

However, it is important to remember that, in some rarer cases, pain in the mouth of the stomach can also indicate other more serious diseases such as inflammation of the gallbladder, pancreatitis or even a myocardial infarction, so whenever this pain arises with severe intensity, do not improve after a few hours or come with shortness of breath, dizziness, feeling of tightness in the chest or fainting, it is important to seek the emergency room for a doctor's evaluation.

Main causes

Although stomach pain can have several possible causes, and only medical evaluation can determine the change and treatment in each case, here are some of the main causes:

1. Gastritis

Gastritis is the inflammation of the mucosa that lines the inner part of the stomach, causing a pain in the mouth of the stomach that varies from mild, moderate, to severe, which is usually burning or tightening and that appears especially after eating.

Generally, in addition to pain, gastritis causes other symptoms such as nausea, feeling full after eating, belching, excessive gas and even vomiting, which produce a feeling of relief. This inflammation can be triggered by several causes such as unbalanced diet, stress, frequent use of anti-inflammatories, or an infection, for example.

What to do: The gastroenterologist is the most appropriate doctor to make the diagnosis and recommend treatment, which may vary according to the symptoms presented. In milder cases, for example, only dietary changes can be made, in more severe cases, the doctor may prescribe the use of drugs that reduce stomach acidity and even antibiotics. Check out in the video below guidelines of the nutritionist on food in gastritis:

2. Esophagitis

Esophagitis is inflammation of the esophageal tissue, usually caused by gastroesophageal reflux disease or a hiatus hernia. This inflammation usually causes pain in the stomach and burning in the chest area, which worsens after meals and with certain types of food, such as caffeine, alcohol and fried foods. In addition, the pain is more frequent at night and does not improve only with rest.

What to do: the treatment is recommended by the doctor, and includes medications to decrease stomach acidity, to improve gastrointestinal motility, as well as changes in habits and diet. Check out the main ways of treating esophagitis.

3. Poor digestion

Overeating or eating foods that the body does not tolerate well, that are contaminated with microorganisms or that contain lactose, for example, can cause difficult digestion, with irritation of the stomach lining, excessive gas production, reflux and increased bowel motility.

The result of this is the pain that can arise in the pit of the stomach or anywhere else in the abdomen, and can be accompanied by gas, diarrhea or constipation.

What to do: in these cases, the pain usually subsides after a few hours, and it is recommended to take medications to relieve discomfort, such as antacids and painkillers, drink plenty of fluids and eat light foods. You should also consult your doctor so that the causes and the indicated treatment are identified.

4. Gallbladder stone

The presence of gallstones in the gallbladder can cause severe abdominal pain that, although most of the time it appears in the upper right part of the abdomen, can also manifest itself in the region of the stomach pit. The pain is usually colic-type and usually worsens very quickly, and may be accompanied by nausea and vomiting.

What to do: the gastroenterologist will be able to guide the use of medications to relieve symptoms, such as pain relievers and antiemetics, and may indicate the need for surgery to remove the gallbladder. See the main forms of treatment for gallstones.

5. Acute pancreatitis

Pancreatitis is the inflammation of the pancreas, an organ located in the center of the abdomen and with a very important function in the digestion of food and production of hormones. In these cases, the pain almost always appears suddenly and is very intense, and can radiate to the upper part of the abdomen. Pain may also be associated with vomiting, bloating and constipation.

What to do: Acute pancreatitis is a medical emergency, and its treatment must be started quickly, to prevent it from getting worse and causing a generalized inflammation of the body. The first measures include fasting, hydration in the vein and use of painkillers. Understand how to identify pancreatitis and how treatment is done.

6. Heart problems

It can happen that a cardiac alteration, such as myocardial infarction, presents with pain in the pit of the stomach, instead of the typical pain in the chest. Although not common, stomach pain due to a heart attack is usually a burning or tightening, and is associated with nausea, vomiting, cold sweat or shortness of breath.

It is usually suspected of cardiac changes in people who already have some risk factor for heart attack, such as the elderly, obese, diabetics, hypertensive, smokers or people who have heart disease.

What to do: if a heart attack is suspected, it is necessary to go immediately to the emergency room, where the doctor will make the first assessments to identify the cause of the pain, such as electrocardiogram, and begin the appropriate treatment. Learn to identify the main symptoms of heart attack and how to treat.

Pain in the mouth of the stomach: main causes and what to do