Home Symptoms Cervical spine pain: what it can be and how to treat it

Cervical spine pain: what it can be and how to treat it


Pain in the cervical spine, also known scientifically as neck pain, is a relatively common and recurrent problem, which can arise at any age, but which is more frequent during adulthood and old age.

Although most of the time it is a temporary pain, caused by muscle tension and not of great importance, in other cases it may be caused by a more serious problem such as arthritis or even compression of nerves, which cause more persistent and intense pain.

Thus, whenever pain in the cervical region takes more than 3 days to improve, it is important to consult a physical therapist, orthopedist or even a general practitioner, to try to identify if there is any cause that needs treatment.

Some of the most common causes for cervical spine pain include:

1. Muscle tension

Muscle tension is the first and most common cause of pain in the region of the cervical spine that is usually caused by daily activities or behaviors such as having poor posture, working sitting for a long time, sleeping in the wrong position or contraction of the muscles neck during physical exercise.

This type of cause can also happen during periods of great stress, as tension usually causes the appearance of contractures in the cervical region.

What to do: An easy way to relieve discomfort is to stretch your neck 2 to 3 times a day, for at least 5 minutes. However, applying hot compresses on the spot for 10 to 15 minutes can also help. See some examples of stretching that can be done.

2. Blows and accidents

The second major cause of neck pain is trauma, that is, when there is a strong blow to the neck, caused by a traffic accident or sports injury, for example. As it is an easily exposed and sensitive region, the neck can suffer various types of trauma, which ends up generating pain.

What to do: Usually, the pain is relatively mild and resolves after a few days with the application of warm compresses 15 minutes a day. However, if the pain is very severe or if other symptoms appear, such as difficulty in moving the neck or tingling, it is important to see a doctor.

3. Joint wear

Joint wear is the main cause of cervical pain in older people and is usually associated with a chronic disease such as cervical arthrosis, for example, which causes inflammation between the vertebrae, generating pain.

In the case of osteoarthritis, in addition to pain, other symptoms may also arise, such as difficulty in moving the neck, headache and the production of small clicks.

What to do: it is usually necessary to undergo physical therapy to relieve the discomfort caused by arthrosis, however, the orthopedist may also recommend the use of some drugs to reduce inflammation and relieve pain. Understand better how cervical arthrosis is treated.

4. Herniated disc

Although less common, herniated discs are also considered to be a major cause of pain in the cervical spine. This is because, the disc starts to put pressure on the nerves that pass in the spine, generating constant pain and even other symptoms like tingling in one of the arms, for example.

Herniated discs are more common after age 40, but can occur earlier, especially in people who have poor posture or who need to work in less comfortable positions, such as painters, maids or bakers.

What to do: the pain caused by the hernia can be relieved with the application of hot compresses on the spot, as well as intake of anti-inflammatory drugs and analgesics recommended by the orthopedist. In addition, it is also usually necessary to do physical therapy and RPG exercises. Learn more about herniated discs in the video:

5. Parrot's beak

The parrot's beak, scientifically known as osteophytosis, occurs when a part of the vertebra grows larger than normal, causing a protrusion of bone that resembles the parrot's beak. Although this protrusion does not cause pain, it can end up putting pressure on the spinal nerves, which causes symptoms such as pain, tingling and even loss of strength.

What to do: the parrot's beak must always be diagnosed by an orthopedist and, usually, treatment is done with physiotherapy and anti-inflammatory drugs. See more about the parrot's beak and how to treat it.

What remedies can be used

To relieve the pain and ensure that the most appropriate treatment is being performed, it is very important to consult the doctor, to diagnose the cause and, thus, to know which is the best treatment.

However, when it is necessary to take medication, the doctor usually indicates:

  • Painkillers, such as Paracetamol; Anti-inflammatories, such as Diclofenac or Ibuprofen; Muscle relaxants, such as Cyclobenzaprine or Orphenadrine Citrate.

Before using remedies, it is important to try other, more natural forms of treatment such as frequent neck stretches and applying hot compresses to the pain site.

When to go to the doctor

Most cases of pain in the cervical region improve with rest, stretching and applying hot compresses within 1 week, however, if there is no improvement, it is very important to consult an orthopedist or at least a general practitioner.

In addition, it is also important to go to the doctor when other symptoms appear, such as:

  • Very difficult to move the neck; Tingling in the arms; Feeling of lack of strength in the arms; Dizziness or fainting; Fever; Feeling of sand in the neck joints.

These symptoms generally indicate that the pain is not just a muscle contracture and, therefore, should be evaluated by the orthopedist.

Cervical spine pain: what it can be and how to treat it