Home Symptoms What can be leg pain and what to do

What can be leg pain and what to do


Leg pain can have several causes, such as poor circulation, sciatica, excessive physical effort or neuropathy and, therefore, to identify its cause, the exact location and characteristics of the pain must be observed, as well as whether the two legs are affected or only one and if the pain worsens or improves with rest.

Usually pain in the leg that does not improve with rest indicates circulation problems, such as peripheral vascular disease, while pain in the legs upon waking can be a sign of night cramp or lack of circulation. Leg and back pain, on the other hand, can be a symptom of spinal problems or compression of the sciatic nerve, for example.

Most common causes of leg pain

Some possible causes of leg pain are:

1. Muscle or tendon changes

Muscle osteoid leg pain does not follow the path of the nerves and gets worse when the legs move. Some changes that may be the cause of the pain include myositis, tenosynovitis, abscess of the thigh and fibromyalgia. Muscle pain can arise after a sudden physical effort, such as after intense physical exercise or when wearing an uncomfortable shoe. In these cases, the pain usually arises at the end of the day and is often felt as "tiredness in the legs". Another common cause of muscle pain in the legs is cramps that usually occur at night and are very common during pregnancy.

Leg potato pain can also be caused by compartment syndrome, which causes severe leg pain and swelling, which arise 5-10 minutes after starting physical activity and the region remains sore for long periods. Pain in the anterior region of the leg can also be caused by tendinitis of the anterior tibialis, which occurs in athletes and people who practice very intense physical activity, such as long distance runners.

What to do: Take a warm bath and lie down with your legs elevated because this facilitates blood circulation, reducing tiredness. Rest is also important, but there is no need for absolute rest, being only indicated to avoid training and great efforts. In case of tendonitis, the use of ice and anti-inflammatory ointments can help faster healing.

2. Joint problems

Especially in the elderly, leg pain can be related to orthopedic problems such as arthritis or osteoarthritis. In these cases, other symptoms must be present such as joint pain and stiffness in the first 15 minutes of the morning. The pain may not be present every day but it tends to get worse when making efforts, and it reduces with rest. Knee deformity may indicate arthrosis, while a more red and hot appearance may indicate arthritis. However, knee pain may also be present after a fall, hip disease, or a difference in leg length.

What to do: apply a hot compress to the affected joint, such as knee or ankle, for about 15 minutes. In addition, it is recommended to consult the orthopedist as it may be necessary to take anti-inflammatories or undergo physical therapy.

3. Changes in the spine

When leg pain worsens with spinal movement, it can be caused by spinal injuries. Stenosis of the spinal canal can cause moderate or severe pain with a feeling of heaviness or cramping in the lower back, buttocks, thighs and legs while walking. In this case, the pain only relieves when sitting or tilting the trunk forward, the sensation of numbness may be present. Spondylolisthesis is also a possible cause of back pain that radiates to the legs, in which case the pain is in a sensation of heaviness in the lumbar spine, the person walks in pain but relieves it during rest. Herniated discs also cause back pain that radiates to the legs, the pain is acute, intense and can radiate to the glutes, posterior of the leg, lateral of the leg and ankle and sole of the foot.

What to do: placing a warm compress on the site of the pain can relieve the symptoms, but the doctor may recommend taking anti-inflammatories and recommending physical therapy.

4. Sciatica

When the pain in the legs is caused by changes in the sciatic nerve, the person may experience pain in the back, buttocks and the back of the thigh, and there may also be a tingling or weakness in the legs. The pain can be excruciating, in the form of a twinge or shock that suddenly sets in the bottom of the back and radiates to the legs, affecting the buttocks, the back of the thigh, the side of the leg, ankle and foot.

If you think the pain is caused by the sciatic nerve, answer the following questions:

  1. 1. Tingling pain, numbness or shock in the spine, gluteus, leg or soles. Yes No
  2. 2. Feeling of burning, stinging or tired leg. Yes No
  3. 3. Weakness in one or both legs. Yes No
  4. 4. Pain that gets worse when standing still for a long time. Yes No
  5. 5. Difficulty walking or staying in the same position for a long time. Yes No

What to do: put a warm compress on the site of the pain, letting it act for 20 minutes, in addition to avoiding efforts, lifting heavy objects and, in some cases, it may be necessary to undergo physical therapy. Check out some examples of exercises you can do at home to fight sciatica in the following video:

5. Poor blood circulation

Leg pain caused by poor circulation mainly affects the elderly and can occur at any time of the day, but it gets worse after spending some time sitting or standing in the same position. The feet and ankles may become swollen and purple in color, indicating difficulty in returning blood to the heart.

A slightly more serious situation is the appearance of thrombosis, which happens when a small clot is able to interrupt part of the circulation to the legs. In this case, the pain is located, more often, in the calf, and there is difficulty in moving the feet. This is a situation that can happen after surgery or when using contraceptives without medical advice.

What to do: Laying on your back with your legs elevated for 30 minutes may help, but your doctor may recommend using medication to improve circulation, as well as using elastic compression stockings. If a thrombosis is suspected, you should go to the hospital quickly.

6. Growth pain

Leg pain in children or adolescents can be caused by rapid bone growth, which can happen around 3-10 years, and is not a serious change. The location of the pain is closer to the knee but can affect the entire leg, reaching the ankle, and it is common for the child to complain at night before going to sleep or after having performed some type of more intense physical activity. Learn about growing pain in your child.

What to do: Placing pebbles of ice inside a sock and placing it on the sore area, allowing it to act for 10-15 minutes can help with pain relief. Parents can also have a massage with moisturizer or almond oil and let the child rest. There is no need to stop physical activity, just decrease its intensity or weekly frequency.

Other less common causes

Other less common causes are hemochromatosis, gout, Paget's disease, osteomalacea or tumors. When leg pain is more related to tiredness and lack of energy, the doctor may suspect fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome or myofacial pain, for example. Therefore, in order to know exactly what is causing pain in the legs, a medical or physiotherapeutic evaluation may be necessary.

Leg pain in pregnancy

Leg pain in pregnancy is a very common and normal symptom, especially in early pregnancy, as there is a large increase in the production of estrogen and progesterone, which cause dilation of the leg veins, increasing the volume of blood in the woman's legs. The growth of the baby in the womb, as well as the weight gain of the pregnant woman, lead to compression of the sciatic nerve and the inferior vena cava leading to swelling and pain in the legs.

To relieve this discomfort, the woman can lie on her back with her knees bent, doing a spine stretching exercise and resting with her legs raised.

How the diagnosis is made

The doctor will be able to observe the symptoms and examine the individual, observing the curvatures of the spine, bony extremities, he will be able to carry out tests of pain provocation, and also the palpation of the abdomen to evaluate if there is pain in the abdominal or pelvic region. Blood tests, synovial fluid tests can be useful if synovitis or arthritis is suspected, and imaging tests such as X-rays or MRIs can be ordered if changes in the spine are suspected. Based on the results, the diagnosis can be reached and the most suitable treatment for each case is indicated.

When to go to the doctor

It is advisable to go to the doctor when the pain in the legs is very severe or when there are other symptoms. It is also important to go to the doctor:

  • When the pain in the leg is localized and very intense; When there is stiffness in the calf; In case of fever; When the feet and ankles are very swollen; In case of suspected fracture; When it does not allow work; When it makes walking difficult.

In the consultation, the intensity of the pain should be mentioned, when it appeared and what was done to try to alleviate it. The doctor may order tests to indicate the appropriate treatment, which can sometimes include the use of medication or physical therapy.

What can be leg pain and what to do