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How to stop stuttering with exercise


Stuttering exercises can help improve speech or even end stuttering. If the person stutters, he must do it and assume it for other people, which will make the stutterer more self-confident, expose himself more and the tendency is for the stutter to disappear over time.

Stuttering is done by a set of factors that form an iceberg and not being able to speak fluently is just the tip of the iceberg, so the treatment for stuttering is often done with psychoanalysis, where the stutterer learns more about himself and passes to feel better with your difficulty.

Some cases of stuttering can be cured in weeks, others can take months or years, everything will depend on how long the individual is a stutterer and its severity.

Stuttering exercises

Some exercises that can be done to improve stuttering are:

  1. Relax the muscles that tend to be tense the moment the person speaks; Decrease the speed of speech, because it intensifies stuttering; Train reading a text in front of the mirror and then start reading to other people; Accept stuttering and learn to cope with it, because the more the person appreciates and the more embarrassed they become, the more it will become evident.

If these exercises do not help to improve speech, the ideal is to do stuttering therapy with a speech therapist. Also learn how to improve diction with exercise.

What is stuttering

Stuttering, scientifically called dysphemia, is not only a difficulty in speaking, it is a condition that affects self-esteem and impairs the person's social integration.

It is very common for children from 2 to 5 years old to experience transient episodes of stuttering, which can last for a few months, this is because they think much faster than they can speak, as their phonetic system is not yet fully fit. This stuttering tends to get worse when the child is nervous or very excited, and it can also occur when he speaks a sentence with many new words for him.

If it is observed that the child, in addition to stuttering, makes other gestures such as stamping the foot, blinking the eyes or any other tic, this may indicate the need for treatment, as it indicates that the child has already realized his difficulty in speaking fluently and if you are not treated soon you will tend to isolate yourself and avoid talking.

What causes stuttering

Stuttering can have several physical and emotional factors that, when properly treated, can disappear completely and the individual will not stutter anymore. Children of stuttering parents are twice as likely to become stutterers as well.

One of the causes of stuttering is cerebral. The brains of some stuttering individuals have less gray matter and some white areas of the brain, have fewer connections in the speech region and, for them, a cure has not yet been found.

But for most stutterers, the cause of stuttering is insecurity in speaking and other factors, such as poor development of the speech muscles, present in the mouth and throat. For them, stuttering exercises and body development itself tend to decrease stuttering over time.

For others, the cause of stuttering may have been acquired after a change in the brain, such as a stroke, hemorrhage or head trauma. If the change is irreversible, stuttering will also be.

How to stop stuttering with exercise