Home Bulls Bottle caries: what it is, what to do and why it happens

Bottle caries: what it is, what to do and why it happens


Bottle caries is an infection that arises in children as a result of frequent consumption of sugary drinks and poor oral hygiene habits, which favors the proliferation of microorganisms and, consequently, the development of caries, which can affect all of the child's teeth. and cause pain and changes in speech and chewing.

Although many think that because the child does not have a tooth there is no risk of developing caries, microorganisms can remain in the gums and delay the development of teeth. Therefore, the prevention of caries begins even before the birth of the first teeth, it is important that the child is accompanied by a pediatric dentist.

Why it happens

Bottle caries happens mainly due to the lack of proper hygiene of the baby's mouth after feeding, either through breastfeeding or liquids given in the bottle, such as juices, milk or formulas, for example.

It is common for babies to sleep during feedings or lie down with bottles, making the rest of the milk remain in the mouth during sleep and favoring the proliferation of microorganisms, giving rise to cavities and increasing the risk of other oral infections.

Understand how cavities are formed.

What to do

If it is found that the child is beginning to have caries, it is recommended to go to the pediatric dentist to start the appropriate treatment for the removal of cavities, thus preventing the development of teeth and, consequently, speech. The use of fluoride gel to promote remineralization of teeth may also be indicated by the dentist.

It is also recommended that the child's oral hygiene habits be improved, being recommended to clean the mouth after each feeding or to give the bottle to the baby using a gauze or cloth diaper wet in water or in a substance indicated by the pediatric dentist, who it must be applied to the gums, tongue and roof of the mouth.

In addition, it is recommended that the child should not be given juices or sweetened milk, especially at night, and avoid lying with the bottle, as it is possible to prevent him from falling asleep and brushing his teeth.

Bottle caries: what it is, what to do and why it happens