Home Symptoms 5 Ways to Relieve Back Pain

5 Ways to Relieve Back Pain


To relieve pain in the spine, also known as spinal pain, it can be useful to lie on your back with your legs supported on high pillows and place a warm compress on the area of ​​pain for 20 minutes. This strategy helps to relax the back muscles, decreasing the tension on the vertebrae and their ligaments bringing relief from pain in a few minutes. Other measures that can also be indicated are medicines, acupuncture and surgery, depending on the person's general health and the symptoms presented.

The pain in the spine in most cases is not severe, mainly due to poor posture, repetitive efforts and physical inactivity. However, when it is very strong, it gets in the way of carrying out day-to-day activities or when it does not pass over time, it is important to go to the doctor so that tests are performed and the symptoms are evaluated and, thus, the cause and proper treatment has started. Know the main causes of back pain.

Some treatment options to relieve back pain may be:

1. Put a warm compress where it hurts

Gel or hot water compresses can be purchased at pharmacies or prepared at home using dry grains such as rice or beans, for example. The warm compress increases the blood flow in the area, relaxes the muscular structures, promoting analgesia, but it must be used with care not to burn the skin, it is also recommended to make the compress for a maximum of 15 minutes.

2. Using medicines

Applying an ointment to the site of the pain can be helpful in fighting symptoms. Analgesics and anti-inflammatories such as Ana Flex, Bioflex, Miosan and Ibuprofen are indicated when pain is severe and does not allow work, decreasing the patient's quality of life, but they should only be used under the guidance of the orthopedist because they should not be used in excess and because they have contraindications.

Spinal pain remedies can be used for a few weeks and always with gastric protector to prevent stomach injuries.

3. Doing physical therapy

Physical therapy with devices, massage therapy and exercise is excellent for relieving pain and treating spinal problems because it is directed to its cause. It is recommended that physical therapy is performed preferably every day or at least 3 times a week depending on the intensity of the symptoms and the cause associated with the pain.

4. Stretch your muscles

Spinal pain can be relieved and treated with exercises that should be indicated by the physiotherapist because not all exercises are indicated. See some examples of stretching exercises for back pain.

5. Resort to acupuncture

Acupuncture sessions can help to relieve back pain, but it should not be used exclusively, being indicated to be performed once a week, while the symptoms are present.

When to go to the doctor

Consultation with an orthopedist is advised when the person feels pain in the spine that radiates to other areas of the body, feels tingling or lack of strength. The doctor should order imaging exams of the spine such as x-ray or MRI and after seeing the results decide on the best treatment. Some cases should be treated with physiotherapy and in the most severe cases where the vertebrae or intervertebral discs are compromised, the doctor may recommend surgery to restore the structures.

See more tips on how to relieve back pain by watching the following video:

5 Ways to Relieve Back Pain