Home Symptoms What to do to not have another kidney stone crisis

What to do to not have another kidney stone crisis


To prevent further kidney stone attacks, also called kidney stones, it is essential to know which type of stone was initially formed, as the attacks usually happen for the same cause. Thus, knowing what is the type of stone, it is possible to make an adequate feeding to avoid the formation of new calculations.

The tendency to have this problem is usually a genetic inheritance, it is important to drink at least 2 liters of water a day to maintain the health of the kidneys and prevent the appearance of kidney stones. Here's what to do according to the type of stone shown in this video:

4 types of stones and ideal food for each

In addition to increasing water intake, changes in diet to prevent each different type of kidney stone include:

1. Calcium oxalate stone

To prevent the formation of new calcium oxalate stones, it is important to avoid oxalate-rich foods such as spinach, strawberries, beets, chocolate, coffee, black tea, cola, soy and oilseeds such as nuts or walnuts. In addition, one should increase the consumption of fruits and vegetables, and avoid the use of protein, vitamin C, vitamin D and calcium supplements without guidance from the doctor or nutritionist.

It is also important to use less salt in food preparation and to avoid salt-rich products, such as sausage, ready-made sauces and chicken broths, as excess salt increases the amount of calcium in the kidneys, increasing the chance of forming new stones.

In addition to food, another tip is to use probiotics with the bacterium Oxalobacter formigenes , which helps to break calcium oxalate crystals and should be taken according to the doctor's guidance.

2. Uric acid stone

To prevent new uric acid stones, you should reduce your protein intake in general, especially from foods like meat, fish, chicken and offal such as liver, heart and gizzards. The decrease in dietary proteins reduces the amount of uric acid in the body, causing the urine pH to return to normal and preventing new crises.

In addition to meats, meat broths and alcoholic beverages, especially beer, should also be avoided, as they are also sources of uric acid. See what foods to avoid in the diet to lower uric acid.

3. Struvite stone

Struvite stones usually form after a urinary infection, mainly caused by the bacteria Pseudomonas, Proteus mirabilis, Klebsiella and Urealyticum, which increase the pH of the urine and facilitate the formation of this type of kidney stone . Thus, to avoid new stones one must consume foods that strengthen the immune system, such as tomatoes, strawberries, chestnuts and sunflower seeds, as they help to prevent and fight new urinary infections.

Another tip is to consume cranberry daily, also called cranberry or cranberry, which is an antibacterial fruit that helps maintain kidney health. To obtain these benefits, you should consume 1/2 cup of fresh cranberry, 15 g of dried cranberry or 100 ml of its juice daily.

4. Cystine stone

Cystine kidney stones are rare and difficult to control, with increased water consumption and reduced dietary salt being the main ways to prevent this problem.

Thus, to avoid another crisis, one must pay attention to the food and the amount of liquid ingested, as good hydration also helps to eliminate stones more easily.

Recommended amount of water

Consuming at least 2 liters of water a day is the main way to prevent all types of kidney stones, as water helps to dilute the minerals in the urine that cause stone and facilitates the elimination of bacteria that cause infection.

A simple way to know if the water consumption is being adequate is to observe the characteristics of the urine, which must be clear, almost crystalline, and odorless. In addition to water, natural fruit juices, teas and coconut water also count as good kidney fluids.

What to do to not have another kidney stone crisis