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Catabolism: why it happens and how to prevent muscle loss


Catabolism is a metabolic process in the body that aims to produce simple molecules from other more complex ones, such as the production of amino acids from proteins, which will be used in other body processes.

For the body to function properly, it is necessary that catabolism happens together with anabolism, which corresponds to the process in which simple molecules are transformed into more complex molecules, favoring the gain of muscle mass, for example.

Catabolism happens naturally, however there are situations that favor this process and lead to a decrease in muscle mass, such as prolonged fasting, excessive training or insomnia.

Why it happens

Catabolism is a natural metabolic process in the body that aims to produce simpler molecules and energy so that the body can function properly. Normally catabolism happens already during the digestive process, in which the food consumed is processed into simpler compounds so that they can be stored, absorbed or transformed into energy that is used in the metabolic processes.

For the body to be in balance it is necessary that the catabolism and anabolism processes happen in parallel, however there are some situations in which catabolic reactions happen more often than anabolic reactions, which can result in loss of muscle mass.

When muscle catabolism can happen

Muscle catabolism can happen more easily in people who:

  • They spend a lot of time without eating; They train a lot and don't get enough rest; They have inadequate nutrition; They are very stressed.

Catabolism can happen because in these situations catabolic reactions do not happen due to food, but rather to substances that are already present in the body, such as the proteins present in the muscles, which are then used for the purpose of the body to obtain energy, with muscle decrease.

Understand how metabolism works.

How to avoid muscle catabolism

To avoid muscle catabolism it is important to avoid prolonged fasting and have a correct and balanced diet, so that the anabolic and catabolic reactions are balanced, thus preventing the loss of muscle mass. On the other hand, to avoid catabolism and gain lean mass, it is important to favor anabolism, being recommended:

  • Before and after training it is important to have a diet rich in carbohydrates and proteins, for example, as these compounds, through catabolic reactions, are transformed into glucose (energy) and amino acids that are used in anabolic reactions to promote muscle growth. Check out a complete menu to gain muscle mass; in some cases, the nutritionist may recommend the use of supplements that favor muscle mass gain, as they provide simpler compounds and, through anabolic reactions, promote the formation of more complex compounds, like proteins, for example. Thus, the nutritionist can recommend the use of BCAA, maltodextrin, dextrose, whey protein or glutamine, for example, according to the person's objective and intensity of the physical activities practiced. See what are the main supplements to gain muscle mass. It is also recommended to avoid the consumption of alcoholic beverages, since alcohol can favor catabolism, promoting the loss of lean mass; It is also important to avoid situations of stress, as in these situations there is usually an increase the concentration of the hormone cortisol in the blood, which can favor catabolism, for example. Thus, it is interesting to carry out activities that promote relaxation, such as watching a movie or strolling outdoors, for example.

In addition, it is important to respect the rest periods after workouts and sleep well, as there is no muscle overload and gives the body time to replenish the necessary energies for the proper functioning of the body.

Catabolism: why it happens and how to prevent muscle loss