Home Pregnancy Hard tummy in pregnancy: what it can be (in each trimester)

Hard tummy in pregnancy: what it can be (in each trimester)


The feeling of a hard belly is a relatively common condition during pregnancy, but it can have several causes, depending on the trimester the woman is in and other symptoms that may appear.

The most common causes can range from a simple stretching of the abdominal muscles, common in early pregnancy, to contractions during childbirth or a possible abortion, for example.

Thus, the ideal is that whenever the woman feels some type of change in the body or in the process of pregnancy, consult the gynecologist or obstetrician, to understand if what is happening is normal or if it can indicate some type of risk for pregnancy.

The most common causes that can lead to the appearance of a hard belly in pregnancy, according to each trimester, include:

During the 1st quarter

The first trimester of pregnancy is the period between the 1st and the 13th week of pregnancy and, in this interval, the most common causes can be:

1. Stretching the muscles of the abdomen

With the growth of the uterus and the development of the baby, the belly may start to become stiff at the beginning of pregnancy, mainly due to the excessive stretching of the abdominal muscles.

This usually happens around 7 or 8 weeks of gestation and, at this stage, it is normal for the woman to notice that the lower part of the navel, also popularly known as the 'foot of the belly', is more swollen and harder than before to get pregnant.

What to do: since it is a normal response of the body, there is no specific treatment. However, if the sensation is very uncomfortable, it is recommended to consult the gynecologist or obstetrician.

2. Constipation

Constipation is another very common problem throughout pregnancy, but especially in the first weeks of pregnancy, as the rapid hormonal changes of this period make the intestinal transit slower, facilitating the formation of gases and making the belly more hard and stewed.

In addition, some women need to supplement with iron during pregnancy, which can make stools even harder.

What to do: To reduce the discomfort of constipation it is important to drink plenty of water during the day, in addition to eating a diet rich in fiber, that is, betting on the consumption of foods such as vegetables, fruits with peel and cereals, for example. Here are some natural tips to combat constipation in pregnancy.

3. Miscarriage

A hard tummy during the first trimester can still be a sign of miscarriage, which is more common before 12 weeks. But in these situations, in addition to the harder than normal tummy, the woman may also present other signs and symptoms such as severe pain in the lower back and vaginal bleeding with pieces, for example.

What to do: Whenever an abortion is suspected, it is very important to go to the hospital to have an abdominal ultrasound and understand if the baby and the placenta are okay. Understand what can cause a miscarriage.

During the 2nd quarter

In the 2nd trimester, which happens between 14 and 27 weeks, the most common causes of hard tummy are:

1. Inflammation of the round ligament

As the pregnancy progresses, it is normal for the muscles and ligaments of the abdomen to continue to stretch, making the belly increasingly stiff. For this reason, many women may also experience inflammation of the round ligament, which results in constant pain in the lower belly, which can spread to the groin.

What to do: to relieve inflammation of the ligament it is recommended to rest and avoid staying in the same position for a long time. One position that seems to greatly relieve the pain caused by the ligament is to lie on your side with a pillow under your belly and another between your legs.

2. Training contractions

These types of contractions, also known as Braxton Hicks contractions, usually appear after 20 weeks of pregnancy and help the muscles to prepare for labor. When they appear, the contractions make the belly extremely hard and usually last for about 2 minutes.

What to do: training contractions are completely normal and, therefore, no specific treatment is required. However, if they cause a lot of discomfort, it is recommended to consult the obstetrician.

During the 3rd quarter

The third trimester represents the last three months of pregnancy. During this period, in addition to being common to continue to present training contractions, as well as inflammation of the round ligament and constipation, there is another very important cause of hard tummy, which are labor contractions.

Generally, labor contractions are similar to training contractions (Braxton Hicks), but they tend to become increasingly intense and with shorter spacing between each contraction. In addition, if the woman is going into labor, it is also common for the water bag to break. Check for signs that may indicate labor.

What to do: if labor is suspected, it is very important to go to the hospital to assess the rate of contractions and the dilation of the cervix, in order to confirm that it is really time for the baby to be born.

When to go to the doctor

It is advisable to go to the doctor when the woman:

  • Feels a lot of pain along with a hard belly; Suspected onset of labor; Has fever; Has blood loss through the vagina; Feels slow in the baby's movements.

In any case, whenever the woman suspects that something is wrong, she should contact her obstetrician to clarify her doubts and, if it is not possible to talk to him, she should go to the emergency room or maternity.

Hard tummy in pregnancy: what it can be (in each trimester)