Home Symptoms Pain in the sole of the foot: main causes and what to do

Pain in the sole of the foot: main causes and what to do


Pain in the soles of the feet can be caused by several situations, and a common hypothesis is plantar fasciitis, which is usually a quick injury to heal. This injury can be caused by wearing high heels for many hours in a row, or by standing with this type of shoe for a long time.

Another common cause of pain in the sole of the foot is the stretching of the tendons and ligaments located in this region during a run. In this case, it is common to feel pain in the sole of the foot during running, waking up or walking. In addition, standing for many hours, wearing sandals or flip flops can also cause pain on the soles of your feet and in this case, scalding your feet is a great way to relieve this discomfort.

Main causes of pain in the sole of the foot

Pain in the sole of the foot can happen due to several situations, the main ones being:

1. Heel spur

The heel spur, also called heel spur, is a situation characterized by calcification of the heel ligament, with the feeling that there was a formation of a small bone in the site, which causes pain and discomfort, especially when the foot is placed on the floor or when standing for a long time.

What to do: To relieve the heel spur, the use of orthopedic silicone insoles, stretching exercises and foot massage may be indicated by the orthopedist or physiotherapist. In addition, in some cases surgery may be indicated to remove the spur. Understand how treatment is done for heel spurs.

2. Inflammation of the fascia

The fascia is a tissue that lines the tendons on the soles of the feet and their inflammation, which is also called plantar fasciitis, and can happen due to long walks, wearing very tight shoes, wearing high heels frequently or being a consequence of overweight.

Inflammation of the fascia can be perceived through some signs and symptoms that may appear, such as pain in the sole of the foot, burning sensation and discomfort when walking, being important to the orthopedist or physiotherapist if the symptoms do not pass over time so that the diagnosis can be made and treatment started.

What to do: The treatment of this inflammation is slow and aims to relieve symptoms and improve the person's quality of life. As a way to complement the treatment, the use of anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs and physical therapy sessions to promote faster recovery may be indicated.

Learn more about plantar fasciitis.

3. Foot sprain

Foot sprain is one of the most frequent injuries in athletes, being very common during a run, for example. The sprain is characterized by exaggerated twisting of the ankle, which causes the ligaments in the region to be stretched excessively, which can rupture and cause symptoms such as pain in the sole of the foot, swelling and difficulty walking.

What to do: To relieve pain and swelling, you can put a cold compress on the spot for about 20 minutes. However, if the symptoms are persistent, it is important to go to the hospital to have the foot immobilized.

4. Excessive physical activity

Excessive physical activity can also make the sole of the foot painful, because depending on the exercise it can lead to inflammation of the tissues and tendons of the place, resulting in pain and discomfort.

What to do: In this case, the best thing to do is to rest with your feet elevated and scalding your feet using warm or cold water. In addition, giving a foot massage can also help relieve pain. See how to do the foot massage by watching the following video:

5. Flat or clubfoot

Both the lathe and the flat or flat feet are changes in the feet that can cause the sole of the foot to be painful, and, in the case of the flat foot, there may also be pain in the spine, in the heel or problems in the articulation of the foot. knee.

What to do: The most suitable in these cases is to seek guidance from an orthopedist and a physiotherapist so that the best treatment can be evaluated and indicated, which may be through the use of orthopedic shoes, use of special insoles, performance of exercise exercises physiotherapy or surgery.

Find out how to identify and treat flat foot treatment.

6. Wrong way of stepping

Depending on how the person steps on the floor, there may be an overload on some part of the foot, which can result in pain in the heel, toes and sole of the foot.

What to do: To relieve the pain and correct the step, it is interesting to perform RPG, also known as global postural reeducation, which through exercises besides helping to correct the step, also helps to improve the posture and position of the knees, for example. example. See how RPG is made.

7. Have one leg shorter than the other

It is considered a short leg when the difference between the size of the legs is equal to or greater than 1 cm and the greater the difference, the greater the discomfort felt by the person. The short leg can happen when the leg bones are short or when there is an unevenness of the hip, leading to the appearance of some symptoms such as foot pain, leg pain, back pain, knee changes and difficulty walking.

What to do: It is important that the person has guidance from an orthopedist and a physiotherapist to avoid complications, and the use of special insoles to equal the length of the legs, physiotherapy sessions and surgery in some cases may be indicated. Find out how the short leg treatment is done.

Home treatment

A good example of home treatment for pain in the sole of your foot is to remove your shoe and do a simple stretch, positioning your hand so that it grips your toes, bringing them towards your belly. The fingers should be kept in this position for approximately 1 minute and this movement must be repeated, at least, 3 times, to have the expected effect.

Getting a foot massage is also a quick and easy way to end foot pain. To do it, just apply a little moisturizer on your feet and, with the cutest part of your hand and thumbs, press the entire foot a little, insisting more on the most painful regions.

How to avoid pain in the sole of the foot

To prevent uncomfortable pain in the sole of your foot, the ideal is to treat your feet well daily. In addition, it is very important to invest in the purchase of quality shoes, which are really comfortable. The ideal shoe should be light, accommodate the foot well, have a rubber sole and a small heel, like Anabela, or wide enough to not cause imbalance.

For those who suffer with foot pain during the races, it is important in addition to running shoes, running on the treadmill, in the sand or on a good asphalt, for example. It is not recommended to run on lawns and in places full of holes, which favor the fall.

Pain in the sole of the foot: main causes and what to do