Home Symptoms Joint pain (joints): main causes and what to do

Joint pain (joints): main causes and what to do


Joint pain, popularly known as joint pain, is usually not a sign of a serious problem, and can be treated at home by applying hot compresses on the spot. However, joint pain can also be a sign of more serious problems such as arthritis or tendonitis, for example, which need to be evaluated by an orthopedist or physiotherapist to initiate proper treatment.

Thus, whenever the pain in the joints, or joints, is very intense, it takes more than 1 month to disappear or cause some type of deformation, it is very important to consult a doctor, to diagnose the problems and start the appropriate treatment.

Main causes

1. Arthritis

Arthritis is the main cause of joint pain and can happen due to excess weight, trauma and natural wear and tear of the joint, leading to the appearance of signs and symptoms such as pain, difficulty in performing movements with the affected joint and deformity.

What to do: To treat arthritis, physiotherapy and the use of medications are indicated and, in the most severe cases, surgery may be indicated. In addition, the orthopedist must indicate the performance of specific tests to identify the type of arthritis and, therefore, the treatment should be more targeted.

Learn more about arthritis.

2. Drop

Gout is an inflammatory disease caused by excess uric acid in the blood, which ends up accumulating in the joints and leads to symptoms such as joint pain, swelling and local redness. In addition, uric acid is usually concentrated mainly on the big toe and, therefore, the person may feel a lot of pain when trying to put the foot on the floor or when walking, for example.

What to do: It is important that the rheumatologist or general practitioner is consulted so that remedies can be recommended to relieve the symptoms of inflammation, decrease the levels of uric acid in the blood and favor its elimination in the urine. Understand how the treatment for gout should be.

3. Tendonitis

Tendonitis corresponds to inflammation of the tendon, which is the structure that connects muscles to bones, and causes pain, difficulty in moving the affected limb, as well as swelling and local redness. Tendonitis is most often related to repetitive movements.

What to do: It is important that the person remains at rest to prevent the inflammation and symptoms from getting worse, in addition to the use of analgesic and anti-inflammatory drugs. In some cases, physical therapy may also be recommended.

4. Knee sprain

Knee sprain can also be one of the causes of joint pain and can happen due to excessive stretching of the ligaments, sudden movements or a knee bump, for example, resulting in symptoms such as severe knee pain, swelling and difficulty in bending the knee.

What to do: It is recommended that the person rest and put ice on the site to reduce swelling and inflammation and thus relieve symptoms.

5. Epicondylitis

Epicondylitis is the inflammation of the wrist extensor muscles mainly due to repetitive effort, with pain in the elbow being perceived, which can radiate to the forearm and worsen when opening the door, when combing hair, writing or typing, for example. In addition, there may also be decreased strength in the arm or wrist, which can make holding a glass, for example, difficult.

What to do: In these cases, it is recommended that the person avoid performing repetitive movements and do physical therapy to relieve pain. In addition, the use of drugs to relieve pain and reduce inflammation may be recommended and, in the most severe cases, surgery may be recommended. Understand how the treatment for epicondylitis should be.

6. Bursitis

Bursitis corresponds to the inflammation of a tissue that is found inside the shoulder joint, the synovial bursa, making it difficult to perform movements. In addition, in the case of bursitis, the person may experience weakness in the entire affected arm, tingling sensation and difficulty in raising the arm above the head, since movement is limited.

What to do: In case of bursitis, it is recommended to do physical therapy to prevent the joint from getting stuck and that it is possible to perform the movements without so much pain. In addition, the use of anti-inflammatory remedies, such as Diclofenac, Tilatil and Celestone, may be indicated for about 7 to 14 days or according to the doctor's recommendation.

7. Rheumatoid arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic autoimmune and inflammatory disease characterized by the action of the immune system against the body itself, leading to joint swelling and inflammation, in addition to difficulty in moving the joint, decreased local strength and pain that is worse soon after waking up. Here's how to identify rheumatoid arthritis.

What to do: It is important that the person follows the treatment recommended by the rheumatologist, which usually involves the use of drugs to relieve pain and reduce swelling. In addition, it is important that the person undergo physical therapy, as it promotes well-being and reduces joint stiffness.

8. Infection

Infection with the viruses responsible for dengue, Zika and Chikungunya can lead to inflammation of various joints in the body, resulting in a sensation of pain throughout the body. In addition to joint pain, other symptoms may appear according to the virus, such as fever, tiredness, pain around the eyes, loss of appetite and malaise. Learn how to differentiate dengue, Zika and Chikungunya.

What to do: If these infections are suspected, it is recommended not to take any medication, especially acetylsalicylic acid, as it increases the risk of bleeding, and to go to the nearest emergency room or hospital, as these diseases are mandatory to report. The treatment normally recommended by the doctor consists of rest, hydration and the use of medications that help to relieve symptoms. However, if even following the treatment indicated by the doctor there is no improvement in symptoms or worsening, it is important to return to the hospital for tests and complications to be prevented.

Remedies for joint pain

When joint pain takes more than 7 days to pass, you may need to take medication such as pain relievers or anti-inflammatory drugs, such as Dipyrone and Ibuprofen, under medical supervision. Ointments such as diclofenac can also help to relieve pain and facilitate movement, but in any case you should go to the doctor to identify what it is and order tests, if necessary, indicating what the person may have.

Putting a cold bag over the joint to relieve symptoms but to complement the treatment it is important to do physical therapy sessions at least 3 times a week or low-impact exercise, such as Pilates or water aerobics.

How to avoid joint pain

To avoid joint pain, regular low-impact exercise, such as walking, cycling or swimming, is recommended, as well as being within your ideal weight, especially after the age of 50. Eat more fish and seafood, as they contain substances that help to regenerate your joints and reduce inflammation.

Watch the following video and see which natural painkillers can help with pain relief:

Joint pain (joints): main causes and what to do