Home Symptoms Back pain when breathing: what can be and what to do

Back pain when breathing: what can be and what to do


Back pain when breathing is usually related to a problem that affects the lungs or the lining of this organ, known as a pleura. The most common cases are the flu and cold, but the pain can also arise in more severe pulmonary changes, such as pneumonia or pulmonary embolism, for example.

Although it is less frequent, pain can also be a sign of problems in other places, from the muscles to the heart, but in these situations, it is usually associated with other symptoms that do not involve just breathing.

Anyway, the best option whenever this type of pain arises, especially if it lasts more than 3 days or if it is very intense, is to consult a pulmonologist or general practitioner, to do diagnostic exams, such as X-rays, identifying the possible cause and starting the most appropriate treatment.

Thus, the most common causes of back pain when breathing include:

1. Flu and cold

Flu and cold are very common health conditions that are caused by the entry of viruses into the body, which cause symptoms such as runny nose, cough, excessive tiredness and even fever. However, and although it is less frequent, both the flu and the cold can also lead to the appearance of back pain when breathing, which is usually related to the accumulation of secretions in the airways or the tiredness of the respiratory muscles due to the act of to cough.

What to do: influenza and cold viruses are eliminated naturally by the immune system itself after a few days. Therefore, it is best to adopt measures that help strengthen the body's defenses and recover faster, such as maintaining rest and drinking plenty of fluids during the day. Check out 7 simple tips to do at home and get rid of the flu faster.

2. Muscle strain

Muscle strain is another relatively common and minor cause of pain when breathing. This condition happens when the muscle fibers suffer small ruptures and, therefore, they are painful for 2 to 3 days. This can happen when you make a greater effort with your back muscles, which can happen when you have poor posture during the day, exercise at the gym or simply coughing too hard during a flu or cold situation.

What to do: the best form of treatment for muscle strain is rest, as it avoids the use of injured muscle fibers. In addition, applying a cold compress to the site for the first 48 hours, 3 to 4 times a day, can also help relieve pain. See more about muscle strain and what to do.

3. Costochondritis

Costochondritis consists of inflammation of the cartilages that connect the sternum bone to the ribs. This condition usually causes severe pain in the chest, which can end up radiating to the back, especially when taking a deep breath. In addition to pain, costochondritis can also cause shortness of breath and pain when pressing on the sternum.

What to do: usually the pain caused by costochondritis improves with the application of hot compresses in the sternum region, in addition to rest. However, when the pain is very severe, or makes it difficult to carry out daily activities, it is advisable to consult an orthopedist to assess the need to start treatment with medications, such as analgesics and anti-inflammatories. Learn more about this condition and its treatment.

4. Pneumonia

Although most of the time, back pain when breathing is just a symptom of the flu or cold, there are also situations in which the pain worsens and which may indicate a slightly more serious infection, such as pneumonia.

In these cases, in addition to pain, cough and runny nose, which are common with the flu and cold, other signs and symptoms may also appear, such as intense difficulty in breathing, fever above 38ÂșC and greenish or bloody phlegm, for example. Here's how to identify a pneumonia situation.

What to do: in case of suspected pneumonia it is always very important to go to the hospital to diagnose the problem and start the most appropriate treatment, which may include the use of antibiotics. However, since pneumonia can be quite contagious, especially if caused by a virus, it is recommended that, if possible, put on a mask when you leave the house.

5. Pulmonary embolism

Although more rare, pulmonary embolism is another problem that can cause severe back pain when breathing. This condition occurs when one of the lung vessels is blocked by a clot, which prevents blood from passing to some parts of the lung. When this happens, in addition to pain, symptoms such as severe shortness of breath, bloody cough and bluish skin, for example, are common.

Embolism can occur in anyone, but it is more common in people with a history of thrombosis, who have clotting problems, who are overweight or who have a very sedentary lifestyle.

What to do: since it is a very serious situation, whenever there is a suspicion of having a pulmonary embolism, it is recommended to go as soon as possible to the emergency room, to confirm the diagnosis and start the treatment, which is usually started with the use of drugs that help to destroy the clot, such as heparin. Understand better what is embolism, what symptoms and how to treat.

6. Pleurisy

Pleurisy, or pleuritis, is another condition that can cause severe back pain when breathing and that happens when some type of fluid can accumulate between the two layers of the pleura, which is the membrane that lines the lungs. When this happens, the pleura swells and the pain tends to get worse when you take a deep breath or cough. In addition, other symptoms include very frequent coughing, shortness of breath and persistent low-grade fever.

Although not considered a serious condition, pleurisy can be an important sign, as it usually arises in people who have another respiratory problem and may mean that treatment for that problem is not having an effect.

What to do: Suspected pleurisy should always be evaluated by a doctor, so it is recommended to go to the hospital. Treatment is almost always started with an anti-inflammatory to relieve inflammation in the pleura and improve symptoms, but the doctor also needs to identify the cause of the pleurisy. See more about pleurisy, how to identify and treat it.

7. Pericarditis

Back pain when breathing is almost always related to a lung problem, however, it can also arise in some heart problems, such as pericarditis. Pericarditis is inflammation of the membrane that covers the heart muscle, the pericardium, which in addition to severe chest pain, can also cause intense pain that radiates to the back, especially when trying to take a deep breath.

Pericarditis is more common in people who have some type of infection or inflammation elsewhere in the body, such as pneumonia, tuberculosis, rheumatoid arthritis or even a cavity. See in more detail how to identify a pericarditis situation.

What to do: Treating pericarditis can be relatively easy, especially when the problem is identified at an early stage. Thus, if there is a suspicion of a heart problem, it is advisable to consult a cardiologist to assess the symptoms, as well as the health history, arriving at the diagnosis and indicating the most appropriate treatment.

8. Heart attack

Although the most common symptom of a heart attack is the appearance of very intense pain, in the form of tightness, in the chest, there are also cases in which the pain starts with a slight discomfort in the back that worsens when breathing. Other symptoms that may be associated are tingling in one of the arms, usually the left, nausea and general malaise, as well as difficulty in breathing.

Although infarction is relatively rare, it is an increasingly frequent situation, especially in those who have some risk factors, such as eating an unbalanced diet, being a smoker, living constantly in stress or having a history of high blood pressure, diabetes or cholesterol.

What to do: Whenever a heart attack is suspected, it is very important to go to the hospital quickly, as the sooner you are diagnosed, the greater the chances of treating the problem and preventing the onset of complications. Learn more about how to recognize a possible heart attack.

Back pain when breathing: what can be and what to do