Home Symptoms 5 Causes of pain in the right arm and what to do

5 Causes of pain in the right arm and what to do


Pain in the right arm can arise from several causes, the most common of which are blows or injuries to the structures of the arm, such as when having poor posture, making repetitive efforts or sleeping over the arm, for example.

Arm pain can appear in any region, from the shoulder to the wrist, usually because it affects places such as muscles, tendons, nerves, joints, blood vessels and skin. Only in rare cases can it indicate a more serious problem, such as a neurological disease or even a heart attack.

Thus, to identify the exact cause of the pain, it is necessary to seek medical attention, which will make an assessment of the symptoms, physical examination of the region and, if necessary, request tests to determine the cause and indicate the most correct treatment.

Despite many, the main causes of pain in the right arm can include:

1. Efforting

Intense arm strain, common in people who go to the gym or practice some sport, can cause minor injuries to the muscles of the arm or joints of the shoulder, elbow or wrist, which causes pain that usually improves after a few days of rest.

When the effort is repetitive, especially in people working with arm movements, such as teachers who write on the board, machine workers, musicians or athletes, it is possible to experience Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorder (WMSD), also known as Injury by Repetitive Effort (RSI).

What to do: To prevent this type of injury, it is necessary to obtain guidance from the doctor and physiotherapist on the correct postures to be taken during the movements, to avoid wearing out the arm structures and, at the time of acute pain, the doctor may recommend anti-inflammatory drugs and rest. Check out recipes for natural anti-inflammatories to help fight pain.

2. Tendonitis

Tendonitis is an inflammation of the tendon, a tissue that connects muscle to bone, which generates symptoms such as localized pain and lack of muscle strength. It can appear more easily in people who perform repetitive efforts with the shoulder or arm, or in athletes.

What to do: to treat tendonitis, it is advisable to avoid making efforts with the affected limb, taking the analgesic or anti-inflammatory drugs indicated by the doctor, and performing physical therapy sessions. Check out the treatment options for tendonitis.

3. Carpal tunnel syndrome

Carpal tunnel syndrome occurs by compressing a nerve that extends from the arm to the hand, called the median nerve. This syndrome is characterized by the appearance of tingling and needle sensation mainly in the thumb, index or middle finger.

Carpal tunnel syndrome is more common in professionals who work using the hands and wrist, such as typists, hairdressers or programmers, for example, and the symptoms appear gradually, and can even become disabling.

What to do: the treatment is guided by the orthopedist or rheumatologist and includes the use of anti-inflammatories, rest and physical therapy. Check out the video below for guidance from the physiotherapist to relieve pain in these cases:

4. Poor circulation

Alterations in the blood circulation of the arm, caused by an obstruction in the blood vessel or a thrombosis in veins or arteries, for example, can cause pain, tingling, weight and swelling of the affected limb.

Poor circulation should be suspected when the extremities of the hands are very pale or purplish, swelling in the arm or hands or a tingling sensation.

What to do: It is necessary to consult with the general practitioner or angiologist, who will make a detailed assessment and request exams such as ultrasound with doppler of the arm. Treatment depends on the cause, and may involve drinking fluids, exercising or, in the most severe cases, using medications to facilitate circulation. Learn more about treatment for poor circulation.

5. Heart attack

Acute myocardial infarction or angina can cause chest pain that radiates to the arm and, although it is more frequent to the left arm, it is possible to radiate to the right arm. This infarction symptom is rare, but it can occur mainly in the elderly, diabetics or women, who may have atypical symptoms more often.

Pain in the arm that indicates a heart attack is usually associated with a burning or tight feeling, in addition to chest pain, shortness of breath, nausea or sweat.

What to do: if a heart attack is suspected, it is recommended to go to the emergency room for the doctor to evaluate the symptoms and order tests, which may or may not confirm the problem. Learn to identify the main symptoms of heart attack.

5 Causes of pain in the right arm and what to do