Home Symptoms Pain in the middle of the back: 7 possible causes and what to do

Pain in the middle of the back: 7 possible causes and what to do


The pain in the middle of the back arises in the region between the lower neck and the beginning of the ribs and, therefore, it is usually related to problems in the thoracic spine, which are 12 vertebrae that are in that location. Thus, the most common problems associated with this pain are poor posture, herniated disc, osteoarthritis or even small fractures.

However, in some cases, this type of pain can also happen when there is a change in an organ that is in that region, such as the lung or stomach, for example.

Thus, it is best to always consult a general practitioner to identify the true cause of the pain and to appoint the best specialist to make the most appropriate treatment.

1. Poor posture

Poor posture throughout the day is a major cause of pain in several places on the back, especially when you spend a lot of time sitting with your back bent. This happens because the spine is subjected to constant pressure, which ends up overloading the muscles and ligaments of the back, resulting in the sensation of constant pain.

What to do: it is best to always maintain a correct posture throughout the day, but this tip is even more important for those who work with their backs constantly bent. See 7 habits that impair posture and even some exercises that help strengthen your back to relieve this type of pain.

2. Muscle injury or contracture

Along with poor posture, muscle injuries and contractures are another major cause of back pain. This type of injury is more frequent in people who work out with very heavy weights, but it can also happen at home, when trying to pick up a very heavy object, using only the back.

What to do: rest and to relieve pain, a hot water bottle can be applied to relax the affected muscles. In addition, having a massage on the spot also helps to reduce inflammation and improve discomfort. Check out other tips to treat a muscle contracture.

3. Herniated disc

Herniated discs occur when the disc between the vertebrae undergoes some change, causing constant pain that gets worse when moving the back. In addition, it can still tingle or burning sensation in the back in any of the arms or legs, as it can radiate to other parts of the body.

Hernia usually arises as a result of poor posture over a long period of time, but it can also develop by picking up very heavy objects without protecting your back. Know all the causes of herniated discs and their symptoms.

What to do: if a herniated disc is suspected, an orthopedist should be consulted to assess the change that has occurred in the disc between the vertebrae and to initiate the most appropriate treatment, which may include everything from the use of analgesic and anti-inflammatory drugs, to surgery.

4. Osteoarthritis

Although it is more rare, osteoarthritis can also be an important cause of pain in the middle of the back, as this disease causes the gradual degradation of the cartilages that lie between the vertebrae. When this happens, the bones end up scraping against each other, causing the appearance of pain, which gets worse over time.

What to do: go to the orthopedist to confirm the diagnosis and, if necessary, start treatment with physiotherapy sessions. If this type of treatment is not enough to relieve pain, the doctor may consider performing surgery. Learn more about how physiotherapy for osteoarthritis is done.

5. Small spine fractures

With advancing age, the bones become more fragile and, therefore, it is common for small fractures to appear in the spine vertebrae, especially after some type of accident, falls or a blow to the back. The pain that comes with the fracture can be very intense and appear right after the trauma, but it can also appear gradually.

In addition to pain, a small fracture in the spine can also cause tingling in other parts of the body, such as arms, hands or legs, for example.

What to do: although most fractures are very small, they can end up developing if there is no adequate treatment. Therefore, if a fracture is suspected, an appointment should be made with the orthopedist. Until the consultation, the ideal is to avoid making too much effort with your back. See which treatment options are most used in the event of a spine fracture.

6. Lung problems

Sometimes, the back pain may not be directly related to the spine or the back muscles, and may arise when there are problems with the lung, such as especially when the pain appears or becomes more intense when breathing. In these cases, other symptoms associated with breathing may also appear, such as shortness of breath or persistent cough.

What to do: If back pain is associated with other signs of lung problems, you should see a general practitioner or pulmonologist to identify if there are any changes or infections in the lung that need to be treated.

7. Stomach problems

Similar to the lung, when the stomach is affected by some alteration, such as reflux or ulcer, for example, the pain can radiate to the middle of the back. However, in this situation, people also usually experience a burning sensation in the throat, difficulty digesting and even vomiting.

What to do: When you suspect that back pain may be a sign of a stomach problem you should go to the gastroenterologist. Until the consultation, the most important thing is to maintain a healthy diet, with few fried foods, fat or sugar, as well as using digestive teas, for example. Check out some natural ways to relieve stomach pain while waiting for your appointment.

When to go to the doctor

In most cases, back pain is not a sign of a serious problem. However, as this pain can also be associated with urgent situations such as a heart attack, it is advisable to go to the hospital if other symptoms such as:

  • Feeling of tightness in the chest; Fainting; Difficulty breathing hard; Difficulty walking.

In addition, if the pain also takes more than 1 week to disappear, you should go to the general practitioner or orthopedist, to identify the cause and start the most appropriate treatment.

Pain in the middle of the back: 7 possible causes and what to do