Home Symptoms What can be the pain in the middle of the foot and what to do

What can be the pain in the middle of the foot and what to do


The pain in the middle of the foot is mainly linked to the use of shoes that are too tight or inadequate, practice of regular and constant physical activity, such as running, for example, and excessive weight, which can lead to inflammation of the nerves and tissues present in the foot., causing pain and discomfort.

To relieve the pain in the middle of the foot, ice can be placed on the spot for about 20 minutes to reduce inflammation and relieve symptoms, but if the pain is persistent, the most recommended is to seek guidance from the orthopedist or physiotherapist so that it is the cause of the pain is identified and appropriate treatment can be started.

The main causes of pain in the middle of the foot are:

1. Metatarsalgia

Metatarsalgia corresponds to pain in the front of the feet that occurs due to the use of inappropriate shoes, high-impact exercises, overweight or deformity of the feet, for example. These conditions cause irritation and inflammation of the joints, tendons or nerves that support the metatarsals, which are the bones that form the toes, resulting in pain. Know other causes of metatarsalgia.

What to do: To relieve the discomfort and pain caused by metatarsalgia, it is important to rest your foot, apply ice on the spot and avoid the cause, as it is possible to relieve the pain. However, if the pain is persistent, it is important to go to the orthopedist or physiotherapist for an evaluation and a more specific treatment can be started, which may involve the use of anti-inflammatory drugs and physiotherapy sessions to improve support. and mobility of the feet.

2. Plantar fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis is due to inflammation of the tissue that covers the musculature of the foot, called the plantar fascia, resulting in pain in the middle of the foot, a burning sensation and discomfort when walking or running, for example.

Plantar fasciitis is more common in women due to the frequent use of heeled shoes, but it can also happen in people who are overweight or who take long walks using an inappropriate shoe.

What to do: The treatment for plantar fasciitis aims to reduce inflammation of the tissue, and the use of analgesics or anti-inflammatory drugs may be indicated by the orthopedist to relieve pain and improve the person's quality of life. In addition, physiotherapy sessions may be recommended to deflate the area and improve blood circulation. Check out other ways to treat plantar fasciitis.

3. Morton's neuroma

Morton's neuroma is a small lump that can be formed on the sole of your foot and can cause a lot of pain and discomfort when walking, climbing stairs, squatting or running, for example.

The formation of the neuroma is usually related to the use of shoes that are too tight on the toes and that practice physical activity in an intense and regular way, such as running, for example, because they generate microtrauma at the site, which gives rise to inflammation and formation of the neuroma.

What to do: To combat the pain and discomfort caused by the neuroma, it is recommended to use appropriate insoles in the shoes to better accommodate the feet, avoiding the use of sandals, slippers and high heels, in addition to using anti-inflammatory drugs and undergoing physical therapy to decrease the lump and thus relieve pain and prevent the formation of new neuromas. See 5 treatments for Morton's neuroma.

4. Fractures

Fractures are less common causes of pain in the middle of the foot, but it can happen as a result of an intense injury, such as ankle sprain during physical activity or when going down the stairs, for example.

What to do: If a fracture is suspected, it is important to go to the orthopedist to perform imaging exams to identify the bone break and, thus, start the most appropriate treatment. Usually the foot is immobilized and the doctor recommends the use of anti-inflammatory drugs or analgesics in case of pain.

What can be the pain in the middle of the foot and what to do