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What is tongue coating, main causes and treatment


The lingual coating, popularly known as white tongue or savory tongue, is a common situation that happens mainly due to the lack of hygiene or incorrect care of the tongue, which leads to the formation of a whitish plaque with a pasty texture on the tongue that can cause bad breath.

The white plaque on the tongue is formed mainly by the rest of cells and bacteria that are naturally present in the mouth and that due to improper hygiene of the tongue, can develop and stick to the tongue, which can cause bad breath, also known as halitosis.

Main causes

The tongue coating is a natural process that occurs as a consequence of the decrease in the production of saliva and the accumulation and microorganisms on the tongue, the rest of food and cellular debris, therefore, having no specific cause. However, there are some factors that can favor the formation of the coating, such as:

  • Incorrect hygiene of teeth and tongue; Psychological factors such as stress and depression, as it leaves the immune system more fragile; Prolonged fasting; Diet rich in pasty foods; High taste buds; Presence of fissures on the tongue, allowing microorganisms not to be removed easily from the language.

The tasty tongue can also be a sign or symptom of some diseases, such as diabetes, changes in the stomach or liver problems, and it is important to go to the doctor if there are other symptoms besides the coating. Know other causes of white tongue.

How the treatment is done

As it is a natural process, there is no specific treatment, only prevention and control. However, when the tongue coating is frequent and does not improve even with a change in oral hygiene habits, it is important to go to the general practitioner to investigate the cause of the coating, as it may be a symptom of some disease.

Thus, to prevent the tongue from being sore, it is recommended to do the correct cleaning of the tongue, making movements back and forth with the brush or using a tongue cleaner. It is also important to go to the dentist regularly so that you can clean your teeth and tongue more thoroughly.

In addition, the removal of the tongue coating is very important, because otherwise there may be more chance of inflammation, such as gingivitis, for example, or, in the most severe cases, the microorganisms present in the coating may reach the oropharynx and spread to others. body parts more easily, which can bring serious complications.

As the tongue coating is related to bad breath, in addition to good brushing of the teeth and tongue, it is important to drink plenty of water and avoid fasting for a long time. Check out some ways to avoid tongue coating and bad breath by watching the following video:

What is tongue coating, main causes and treatment