Home Medicinal Plants What each type of mugwort is for

What each type of mugwort is for


Artemisia is a medicinal plant, popularly known as Chamomile-of-the-field, Fire-weed, St. John's wort, Queen of herbs, which is widely used by women to treat urogenital tract problems such as urinary tract infection and to calm the nerves.

Side effects of mugwort include vasodilation, seizures, allergic reactions and can cause miscarriage, so they should not be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Pontic wormwood

Artemisia vulgaris

Main types and what they are for

Artemisia has about 380 different species of different plants and each has its characteristics, benefits and contraindications. The main types and their indications are:

Simply called Artemisia in Brazil, it serves to help in the treatment of anemia, colic, stomach pain, gastritis, nervousness, neuralgia, lack of appetite, bad breath, regulating the irregular menstrual cycle and relieving cramps.

It is popularly called Absinthe or Losna, a famous alcoholic beverage. It serves to combat intestinal cramps, worms and parasites, uterine stimulant, poor digestion, heartburn, lack of appetite, nervous problems, lowering the fever or fighting biliary problems. It is also a great insect repellent and can be used as an aromatic herb to replace salt.

Also known as Tarragon, it is used to treat menstrual cramps and poor digestion.

Artemisia absintum - Losna

Artemisia druncunculus - Tarragon

Also known as Roman Absinthe, it has an action similar to wormwood absinthium and serves to combat all types of pain because it has analgesic properties, but it can also be used to flavor wines, liquors and vermouth.

Also known as Western Artemisia is an important aromatic and antiseptic herb that can be used inside shoes to remove stench.

6. Artemisia lactiflora

It is found in China and can be used in meal preparation to add flavor to foods.

It is great to fight malaria, has digestive, antiparasitic and antiseptic action and therefore can be used to fight fever, flu, cold, increases immunity and can be a good complement for the treatment of breast, prostate and leukemia cancer.

How to Make Artemisia Tea

The teas most used in Brazil are those of Artemísia vulgaris, Losna and Estragão, and the method of preparation is exactly the same:

  • Place 2 spoons of the leaves in 1 liter of boiling water. Let stand for 10 minutes, strain and drink 2 to 3 cups a day.

Artemisia should preferably be consumed after medical advice or from the herbalist, as it has several types. The most used parts are its leaves, flowers and rhizome to make teas or use externally.

Where to find Artemisia

It is possible to buy the seedlings of this plant in gardening stores, street markets and in the botanical garden. The leaves to be consumed in the form of tea or spice can be found in supermarkets and health food stores, but whenever you buy this plant to use in the form of tea, you should check its scientific name on the product packaging.

What each type of mugwort is for