Home Medicinal Plants What is the use of vulture tea

What is the use of vulture tea


Abútua is a medicinal plant used mainly in problems related to the menstrual cycle, such as delayed menstruation and severe cramps.

Its scientific name is Chondrodendon platiphyllum and can be purchased at some health food stores and pharmacies.

What is the abútua for

The vulture is used for the treatment of delayed menstruation, menstrual cramps, uric acid, kidney problems, anemia, arthritis, liver congestion, headaches, fevers, inflammation of the bladder, digestive problems and ulcers.

In case of delayed menstruation, a pregnancy test must be performed before consuming the teas prepared with this plant, so as not to run the risk of miscarriage.

Vultures properties

The properties of the vultures include its action as an increase in menstrual flow, antiblenorrhagic, diuretic, tonic, febrifugal, aperiente and antidispeptic.

How to use the vulture

For medicinal use, the root and stem are used.

  • Tea for poor digestion: Add 2 g of vulture herb in a cup of boiling water, cover and let stand for 10 minutes. Take 3 times a day, after the main meals.

Side Effects of Vulture

Side effects of vultures include miscarriage, increased heart rate, low blood pressure and arrhythmia.

Contraindications for abútua

The vultures are contraindicated for pregnant or lactating women.

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What is the use of vulture tea