Home Bulls What is chitosan for

What is chitosan for


Chitosan is a natural remedy made with the skeletons of crustaceans, such as shrimp, crab and lobster, for example, which can not only assist in the weight loss process, but also facilitate healing and regulate blood cholesterol levels.

Chitosan can be found on the internet or in a natural products store in the form of capsules and the value varies according to the quantity of capsules, and can cost between R $ 40 and R $ 80.00.

What is it for and the benefits of chitosan

Chitosan has several health benefits, the main ones being:

  • Assists in weight loss, as it decreases the absorption of fat and causes it to be eliminated in the feces; Favors healing, since it stimulates blood clotting; Has antimicrobial and analgesic action; Regulates intestinal transit; Removes allergenic proteins from food; Decreases the amount of bile acids in the blood, reducing the chances of prostate and colon cancer; regulates cholesterol levels.

It is recommended that the chitosan capsule be consumed at the time of meals, so that it can begin to act on the body, mobilizing fat, and it is not recommended for people who have any type of seafood allergy, as there may be reactions severe allergies, such as anaphylactic shock, for example.

Chitosan lose weight?

Because it reduces the absorption of fats and eliminates them in the stool, chitosan can help with weight loss, however, for weight loss to be possible, it is necessary to combine the use of chitosan with a balanced diet and practice of physical activities regular.

When used alone, the effects of chitosan may not be long-lasting, which may result in the accordion effect, in which the person regains all the weight he had lost. In addition, excessive consumption of this natural remedy can alter the intestinal microbiota and decrease the absorption of essential vitamins and minerals for the body.

Therefore, it is important that the consumption of chitosan is guided by a nutritionist, as this way, it is possible to establish an adequate diet that favors weight loss.

What is chitosan for