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How the beautician cleanses the skin


Deep skin cleansing serves to remove blackheads, impurities, dead cells and milium from the skin, which is characterized by the appearance of small white or yellowish balls on the skin, especially on the face. It should be done every 2 months, in the case of normal to dry skin, and once a month in combination to oily skin and with blackheads.

Professional skin cleaning can be done in beauty clinics and lasts about 1 hour, but homemade skin cleaning can also be done. Check out the step by step to do skin cleaning at home.

6 Steps to Skin Cleaning

Skin cleaning must be done by a beautician and is usually done with the following steps:

1. Clean the skin

It consists of removing makeup and cleaning the skin by applying a cleansing lotion to help remove oil and some impurities from the skin. Products with Aloe vera and green tea are great options for detoxifying your skin. The lotion must be applied with a gloved hand over the entire face, and then a gauze can be used to spread the product over the entire face, using circular movements.

2. Open the pores

The opening of the pores is usually done with the application of ozone vapor or even water vapor, as the steam helps to soften the skin, facilitating the removal of blackheads and impurities. A mask can also be applied to further help soften the most superficial layer of skin. The steam of water or ozone can last from 5 to 10 minutes and during this period the beautician can massage the hands or the head of the person who receives the treatment, making the moment more pleasant and relaxing.

3. Exfoliate

Exfoliation serves to remove the most superficial layer of the skin and dead cells, facilitating the extraction of blackheads and impurities from the next step. In people who have inflamed pimples this exfoliation can only be done with a specific product, but in all other situations you can use an exfoliating cream that has microgranules that pressed on the skin, favor the removal of dirt. Circular movements with gauze are essential to remove as many blackheads from the face and open the pores. The complete removal of the product can be done with water and a clean gauze, preparing the skin for the next step.

4. Extract blackheads

The extraction of the carnations is done manually, with gauze or a piece of cotton moistened with an antiseptic lotion, pressing the index fingers in the opposite direction. The extraction of milliuns, on the other hand, must be done with the help of a microneedle, to pierce the skin and press, removing the little ball of sebum that formed there. This procedure can take a maximum of 30 minutes and usually starts in the T zone, in the following order: nose, chin, forehead and then cheeks.

After the manual extraction of blackheads and milliuns, a high frequency device can be applied that helps the skin to heal and soothe. But another way to do a good cleansing of the skin, removing as much of its impurities as possible is to do a professional treatment called ultrasonic skin cleansing, which uses ultrasound equipment to reach the deeper layers of the skin.

5. Soothing mask

A mask should be applied, usually soothing, according to the type of skin, for about 10 to help reduce redness and soothe the skin. Its removal can be done with water and clean gauze, with circular movements. During your performance, manual lymphatic drainage can be performed on the entire face to help remove redness and swelling.

See how it can be done in the following video:

6. Application of sunscreen

To finish the professional skin cleaning, a moisturizing lotion and sunscreen should always be applied with a protection factor equal to or greater than 30 SPF. After this procedure, the skin is more sensitive than normal and therefore the sunscreen is essential to protect the skin from sun damage and to prevent the appearance of dark spots on the skin, which may arise if exposed to the sun or ultraviolet lights., for example.

See other ways to remove blackheads from the skin at:

Care after skin cleansing

After professional skin cleaning, it is necessary to have some care for at least 48 hours, such as not being exposed to the sun and not using acidic products and oily creams, giving preference to soothing and healing skin products. Good options are thermal water and facial sunscreen to protect the skin from sunburn and to prevent the appearance of blemishes.

When not to

Professional skin cleansing should not be done on acne-prone skin when there are inflamed, yellowish-looking pimples, as it can aggravate acne and harm the skin. In this case the best option is to go to the dermatologist to carry out a treatment to eliminate the pimples, which can be done with specific products to apply to the skin or medicines to take. In addition, it should not be done on individuals with very sensitive skin, with allergies, peeling or rosacea.

You should also not clean your skin when your skin is tanned as it can lead to the appearance of dark spots on your skin. Anyone who is undergoing treatment with acids on the skin, such as chemical peeling or is using a cream containing some acid, cannot cleanse the skin due to the increased sensitivity of the skin. The dermatologist will be able to indicate when you can clean your skin again.

Skin cleaning can be done during pregnancy, but at this stage it is common for the appearance of spots on the skin and therefore the beautician may choose to use different products or do a more superficial skin cleaning, so as not to harm the skin, preventing the appearance of dark spots on the face.

How the beautician cleanses the skin