Home Bulls Lung cancer: main causes (and it's not just the cigarette)

Lung cancer: main causes (and it's not just the cigarette)


The main responsible for the development of lung cancer is the use of cigarettes, since about 90% of all cases of this type of cancer occur in smokers, and the risk increases according to the number of cigarettes smoked per day and the number years of smoking.

However, lung cancer can also happen in people who have never smoked, especially in those who are in frequent contact with cigarette smoke or other chemicals such as radon, arsenic or beryllium, for example, although this risk is much lower than that of who smokes.

Lung cancer is dangerous because it has a high mortality rate, so it is important to invest in ways of prevention, such as avoiding smoking and adopting healthy lifestyle habits. It is also important to seek medical evaluation if symptoms appear that indicate this. disease, such as shortness of breath, chronic cough and weight loss, for example. Learn to identify the symptoms of lung cancer.

Who is most at risk

Factors that appear to increase your risk of developing lung cancer include:

  • Smoking; Inhaling other people's cigarette smoke, thus being a passive smoker; Being frequently exposed to radon gas and other dangerous chemicals such as arsenic, asbestos (asbestos), beryllium, cadmium, hydrocarbons, silica, mustard gas and nickel; Living in regions with a lot of environmental pollution; Having a genetic predisposition, and people with a history of parents or grandparents who had lung cancer may be at increased risk.

In addition, having been treated for other types of cancer can also increase the risk, as in cases of breast cancer, lymphoma or cancer in the testicles treated with radiation therapy, for example.

People with these risk factors should have regular consultations with the general practitioner or pulmonologist as a way of making lung health assessments and screening for any suggestive changes, such as a nodule.

Why smoking can cause cancer

Cigarette smoke is composed of several carcinogenic substances that fill the lungs during smoking, such as tar and benzene, which cause damage to the cells that line the inside of the organ.

When these injuries happen from time to time, the lung may be able to repair itself, but when they happen constantly, as in the case of smokers, the cells cannot repair themselves quickly, causing the wrong multiplication of cells and, consequently, cancer.

In addition, smoking is associated with the appearance of several other health problems, such as emphysema, heart attack and memory disorders. Check out 10 diseases caused by smoking.

Is there a more dangerous type of cigarette?

All types of cigarettes increase the chances of getting cancer, not only of the lung, but also of other places like mouth, throat, breast and stomach. This is true for both traditional tobacco and other versions, including "light" cigarettes, pipes, cigars, straw or hookah cigarettes, as well as chewing tobacco, for example.

How to protect yourself from lung cancer

The best way to protect against lung cancer is to avoid inhaling substances with a carcinogenic potential. That is why the main recommendation is to avoid smoking cigarettes. However, people who work in some type of industry that uses carcinogenic substances, such as those previously indicated, or who live in highly polluted regions, should also always wear a protective mask, to avoid breathing these particles.

In addition, regular exercise and a healthy and varied diet, avoiding fried foods, excessive alcoholic beverages and foods that are very high in sugar, also help to reduce the chances of having any type of cancer. See what are the main attitudes to live more and better, avoiding cancer.

Lung cancer: main causes (and it's not just the cigarette)