Home Symptoms What can cause shoulder pain and treatment

What can cause shoulder pain and treatment


Shoulder pain can appear at any age, but it is usually more common in young athletes who use the joint excessively, such as tennis players or gymnasts, for example, and in the elderly, due to the natural wear and tear of the joint.

Usually, this type of pain is caused by a temporary inflammation of the shoulder structures and, therefore, can be relieved with the application of ice on the site, disappearing 3 to 5 days after its onset.

However, in some cases, this pain can be very intense, worsen over time or not alleviate, and it is recommended to consult an orthopedist to identify if there is a serious problem and start the appropriate treatment.

Shoulder structures

1. Bursitis

This problem is caused by inflammation of the bursa, a cushion-like structure that protects the tendons and muscles of the shoulder bones during movement. This inflammation is more common in people who do repetitive arm activities, such as painting, swimming or arm training in the gym. Learn more about what it is and how to treat bursitis.

What it feels like: It is common to have a sharp pain in the upper or frontal part of the shoulder, which worsens with the movement of the joint to comb the hair or dress, for example.

How to treat: ice should be applied to the site for 20 minutes, 2 to 3 times a day. In addition, one should avoid using the joint in daily activities to relieve inflammation. If the pain does not improve after 2 or 3 days it is recommended to consult a doctor, as it may be necessary to take anti-inflammatory drugs, such as Diclofenac, or even to start physical therapy.

2. Tendonitis

Tendonitis is a problem similar to bursitis, however, it causes inflammation of the tendons of the shoulder instead of the bursa. In many cases, it can even appear with bursitis because its causes are also very similar, and can affect both types of structure at the same time.

What it feels like: This problem only causes pain in the front part of the shoulder, especially when moving above the head line or stretching the arm forward.

How to treat: It is very important to have physiotherapy sessions to treat tendon inflammation. In addition, applying cold compresses and applying anti-inflammatory ointments also helps to relieve pain. See more about treating tendonitis in the shoulder.

3. Arthritis

Although it is more common in the elderly, this problem can also affect young adults, especially athletes who overuse the shoulder joint due to wear.

What it feels like: in addition to shoulder pain, joint swelling and difficulty in moving the arm are common. Since arthritis is not a temporary problem, symptoms can get worse over time.

How to treat: the treatment must be guided by an orthopedist because, normally, it is necessary to use anti-inflammatory drugs, such as Ibuprofen or Nimesulide, to relieve pain. Physiotherapy should also be used as it helps to strengthen the joint and reduce inflammation, improving shoulder movements.

4. Adhesive capsulitis

This problem, also known as frozen shoulder, is a chronic inflammation of the shoulder that makes movement of the joint very difficult. Adhesive capsulitis is more common in women over 40 who have had their arms immobilized for more than 2 months.

What it feels like: besides the pain, capsulitis causes an intense difficulty to move the arm, which gradually appears. Find out which signs help to identify this problem.

How to treat: it is recommended to do physical therapy sessions to mobilize the shoulder and relax the muscles of the joint. In the most severe cases, surgery may be necessary to identify and repair possible shoulder injuries. Learn more details about the treatment of adhesive capsulitis.

5. Fractures

Although fractures are almost always easy to identify, they can also cause few symptoms other than shoulder pain, especially when they have not occurred completely or are very small. The most common is the appearance of fractures in the clavicle or humerus due to falls or accidents.

What it feels like: fractures usually cause very intense pain, swelling and purple spots on the skin. However, when they are very small they can only cause a slight pain that increases over time and that prevents the movement of the arm.

How to treat it: one must immediately go to the hospital to identify the fracture site, correct the bone and immobilize the arm in the correct way to facilitate healing. Know the first aid in case of fracture.

How shoulder pain is diagnosed

The diagnosis of shoulder pain should be made by the orthopedist, who during the consultation evaluates all the structures associated with the shoulder and the characteristics of the pain, such as intensity, location, if it is stimulated by a specific movement and its frequency, for example. It is also seen by the orthopedist if there is any movement limitation, such as difficulty in stretching the arm or raising it above the head.

In addition, the doctor must be informed by the patient about life habits and the time when the pain started, as the pain may be related to repetitive movements, incorrect posture or swelling or inflammation of the joint due to a sudden movement, for example example.

To assist the diagnosis, the doctor may recommend performing imaging tests, such as x-rays, ultrasound, computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging, which help to identify the cause and extent of the injury. The orthopedist can also indicate the performance of arthroscopy, which is a diagnostic and treatment technique in which the joint is visualized and corrected through small holes in the skin. Know what shoulder arthroscopy is and how it is done.

What can cause shoulder pain and treatment