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Main risks of cryolipolysis


Cryolipolysis is a safe procedure as long as it is performed by a trained and qualified professional to perform the procedure and as long as the equipment is properly calibrated, otherwise there is a risk of developing 2nd and 3rd degree burns.

At the moment the person may feel nothing more than a burning sensation, but immediately afterwards the pain worsens and the area becomes very red, forming bubbles. If this happens, you should go to the emergency room and start the burn treatment as soon as possible.

Cryolipolysis is an aesthetic procedure that aims to treat localized fat from its freezing, and is a very effective treatment when localized fat cannot be lost or liposuction is not desired. Understand what cryolipolysis is.

Risks of cryolipolysis

Cryolipolysis is a safe procedure, as long as it is performed by a trained professional and the device is properly calibrated and with the temperature adjusted. If these conditions are not respected, there is a risk of burns from 2º to 3º degree, both because of temperature deregulation, and because of the blanket that is placed between the skin and the device, which must be intact.

In addition, so that there are no risks, it is recommended that the interval between sessions is about 90 days, because otherwise there may be a very exaggerated inflammatory response in the body.

Although many risks associated with cryolipolysis have not been described, the procedure is not recommended for people who have been diagnosed with diseases caused by cold, such as cryoglobulinemias, who are allergic to cold, nocturnal paroxysmal hemoglobinuria or who suffer from Raynaud's phenomenon, as well as not be indicated for people with hernias in the region to be treated, pregnant or who have scars in place.

How it works

Cryolipolysis is a technique for freezing body fat that damages adipocytes by freezing the cells that store fat. As a result, cells die and are naturally eliminated by the body, without increasing cholesterol and without being stored in the body again. During cryolipolysis, a machine with two cold plates is placed on the skin of the belly or thigh. The device must be calibrated between minus 5 to 15 degrees Celsius, freezing and crystallizing only the fat cells, located just below the skin.

This crystallized fat is naturally removed by the body and no supplement is needed, just a massage after the session. The technique has excellent results even with only 1 session and these are progressive. So after 1 month the person notices the result of the session and decides whether to do another complementary session. This other session can only be done 2 months after the first, because before that the body will still be eliminating the frozen fat from the previous session.

The duration of a cryolipolysis session should never be less than 45 minutes, the ideal being that each session lasts 1 hour for each treated area.

Other alternatives to eliminate localized fat

In addition to cryolipolysis, there are several other aesthetic treatments to eliminate localized fat, such as:

  • Lipocavitation, which is a high-powered ultrasound, which eliminates fat; Radio frequency, which is more comfortable and 'melts' fat; Carboxitherapy, where gas needles are used to eliminate fat; Shock waves, which also damage part of the fat cells, facilitating their elimination.

Other treatments that have no scientific proof that they can be effective in eliminating localized fat are the use of creams that eliminate fat even when using ultrasound equipment so that it penetrates more into the body and the modeling massage because it cannot eliminate the fat cells, although I can move it around.

Main risks of cryolipolysis