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When to use weight loss drugs


The use of weight loss drugs should be recommended by the doctor according to the person's characteristics and the relationship between weight loss and improving the person's health. Thus, the remedies for weight loss are usually only recommended for people who cannot lose weight just by performing physical activity and adequate nutrition.

Despite the remedies being able to make people lose weight, it is important that in addition to the remedies the person also has healthy lifestyle habits, so that it is possible to maintain the lost weight.

When to take medicine

The remedies for weight loss should only be taken under the guidance of the endocrinologist and is usually indicated when even through exercise and change in diet, weight loss does not happen as it should, which can be related to hormonal dysfunction. In addition, the doctor may prescribe the use of medication in case of obesity, especially when it is associated with other health problems, such as diabetes or cardiovascular problems, which can be life-threatening.

In general, the recommendation to use weight loss drugs happens when the person:

  • Has a body mass index (BMI) greater than 30, which is considered obesity, and is unable to lose weight with diet or exercise; Has a BMI greater than 27 and weight related health problems such as diabetes, cholesterol or high blood pressure and can't lose weight with diet or exercise.

Before choosing a remedy to lose weight, the doctor evaluates the patient's health history, the possible side effects of the remedy and the possible interactions of the remedy with other medications the patient is taking. The drugs that can be indicated usually work by increasing metabolism and burning fat, reducing the absorption of fat in the intestine, in addition to decreasing appetite and fluid retention.

However, even if the remedies are effective, it is necessary that in addition to medical monitoring, the person performs physical activity regularly and, preferably, accompanied by a personal trainer, and who has a healthy diet and in accordance with their goals, Therefore, professional monitoring is important. This is because the isolated use of the medication may not have definitive results, that is, the person may regain weight after stopping the use of the medication.

In addition, to prevent weight gain from occurring after stopping the medication, it is important that the person stops taking it gradually and according to the doctor's guidance.

Know the main remedies to lose weight.


The use of weight loss drugs should be done under the guidance of the doctor and is not recommended for people who are healthy and who want to lose up to 15 kg, who have a BMI below 30, who are able to lose weight with diet and exercise and who have a lower BMI to 27, even if you have associated health problems, such as cholesterol or high blood pressure.

In these cases, a good alternative to remedies are weight loss supplements that when combined with a diet and regular exercise can help you lose weight. The use of supplements should be guided by a doctor or nutritionist, according to the objectives and health status of the individual. Check out some weight loss supplements.

How to lose weight without taking medication

Taking medications and performing surgeries should only be options for losing weight when nothing else works or when there are endocrine and metabolic changes related to not being able to lose weight. Weight loss without taking medication can be achieved through physical activity, which should be done regularly, according to the person's capacity and limitations and through a balanced and healthy diet and, preferably, under the guidance of the nutritionist, because in this way it is possible that the eating plan is made according to the person's characteristics and objectives.

It is important that physical activity is monitored by a physical education professional, especially if the person has morbid obesity or is very sedentary, as some types of exercise can damage the joints. In these cases, walking may be indicated, as they have less impact on the joints and are sufficient to improve blood circulation and stimulate the burning of calories. In addition to walking, other exercises, such as water aerobics and weight training, for example, may be recommended.

Regarding food, it is important to avoid very fatty foods and large amounts of carbohydrates. It is normal for the first days of the diet to be more difficult, since the person is in an adaptation period.

When to use weight loss drugs