Home Bulls Cholesterol-lowering home remedies and recipes

Cholesterol-lowering home remedies and recipes


Cholesterol is a fatty, whitish, odorless substance that cannot be seen or perceived in the taste of food. The main types of cholesterol are good cholesterol (HDL) which must be above 60 mg / dL and bad cholesterol (LDL), which must be below 130 mg / dL. Keeping blood cholesterol values ​​properly balanced is important to ensure the proper functioning of the hormonal system and prevent cardiovascular diseases, such as heart attack and stroke.

Best home remedies to lower cholesterol

Home remedies are useful to help control the level of cholesterol in the blood because they have properties that facilitate the elevation of HDL and decrease the absorption of LDL, thus improving total cholesterol. Some examples are:

Benefit How to use
Artichoke Protects the liver and decreases the concentration of bad cholesterol. Cook in water for 7 minutes and then eat.
Flax seeds It has fibers and omega 3 and 6 that when absorbed in the intestine fight bad cholesterol. Add 1 tablespoon of flax seeds to soups, salads, yogurt, juice, milk or smoothie.
Eggplant tincture Contains fibers that favor the elimination of cholesterol in the stool. Soak 4 slices of eggplant peel in cereal alcohol for 10 days. Then strain with a paper filter and take 1 spoon (of coffee) of the liquid part diluted in half a glass of water, 2 times a day.
Mate tea It has properties that decrease the absorption of fat from food. Boil 1 liter of water with 3 teaspoons mate, strain and take during the day.
Fenugreek Tea Its seeds help to reduce blood cholesterol. Boil 1 cup of water with 1 tablespoon of fenugreek seeds for 5 minutes. Take warm.

Despite being indicated to control cholesterol, these home remedies do not replace diet, exercise and the remedies indicated by the cardiologist, but they are excellent forms of therapeutic complement.

Cholesterol-lowering artichoke

To be able to lower bad cholesterol, it is recommended to follow a healthy diet, consuming only good fat sources such as olive oil, olives, avocados and nuts, and excluding foods with fats harmful to the body, such as those present in processed and processed foods. A good strategy is to observe the amount of fat on the label and packaging of the food to assess whether it is safe to eat or not.

Watch the following video to learn about other recommended home remedies:

Recipes to lower cholesterol

These recipes are great strategies to lower cholesterol, being a great option for a healthy and balanced meal.

Avocado cream

  • Benefit: It is rich in healthy fats and antioxidants that help to reduce bad cholesterol. How to do it: Blend 1 ripe avocado in the blender with 100 ml of skimmed milk and sweeten to taste.

Learn about other avocado benefits.

Eggplant pancake

  • Benefit: Eggplant has functional properties that help to balance cholesterol and triglycerides, since flaxseed is rich in omegas 3 and 6 and also creates a gum in the stomach prolonging the satiety effect of the meal, helping in the weight loss process. the dough: Beat in a blender 1 cup of skim milk + 1 cup of whole wheat flour + 1 egg + 1/4 cup of oil, salt and oregano. How to make the filling: Sauté 1 eggplant with shredded chicken breast and season to taste.

Another option is to slice the eggplant and bake with spices such as fresh garlic, salt, onion, lemon and curry. Discover other benefits of eggplant.

Lettuce salad with carrot and lemon

  • Benefit: The lettuce salad with carrots and lemon contributes to lower cholesterol because it is low in fat. How to do it: Place chopped lettuce, grated raw carrot, sliced ​​onion in a container and season with 1 squeezed lemon and some cloves of fresh garlic.

Lettuce, carrot and lemon salad to lower cholesterol

Braised green soybeans

  • Benefit: Green soy in the pod contains isoflavones that help reduce cholesterol, is low in fats and the quality of soy protein is very similar to that of meat, with the advantage of not containing cholesterol, surpassing in quality all other proteins vegetables. How to do it: Cook the green soy in water and after soft, season with soy sauce, vinegar and ginger powder.

Brown rice with carrot

  • Benefit: It is rich in fibers that favor the elimination of fat molecules by feces, in addition to B vitamins, minerals such as zinc, selenium, copper and manganese as well as phytochemicals with antioxidant action. The outer layer of brown rice contains oryzanol, a substance known to prevent and control cardiovascular disease. How to do it: Sauté brown rice with garlic, onion and salt and then add water and grated carrots.

In the treatment to lower cholesterol, it is advisable to avoid eating animal foods and also fatty foods, such as red meats. Using fresh fruits and vegetables and whole grains in the diet helps the body to eliminate excess fat from the blood.

Also see what drugs are used to lower cholesterol.

Cholesterol-lowering home remedies and recipes