Home Bulls Roxithromycin



Roxithromycin is an oral medicine known commercially as Rotram, Roxitram or Rulid.

This medication is an antibacterial used to treat pharyngitis, skin or lung infections.

Roxithromycin alters the mechanism of action of the bacteria that causes the disease, which ends up weakened and eliminated from the body. The improvement of symptoms can be observed a few hours after the medication is administered.

Roxithromycin Indications

Pharyngitis; otitis; lung infection; skin infection; genital infections; meningitis.

Side effects of Roxithromycin

Skin rashes; diarrhea; stomach ache; vomiting; nausea; hepatitis; blood changes; Headache; weakness; dizziness; vertigo.

Contraindications for Roxithromycin

Pregnant or lactating women; liver failure; Hipersensibility to any of the formula's components.

How to use Roxithromycin

Oral use


  • Administer Roxithromycin 300 mg daily. Administration can be in a single dose or divided into 2 doses every 12 hours.