Home Bulls Testicular rupture can be caused by heavy blows to the groin

Testicular rupture can be caused by heavy blows to the groin


Testicular rupture occurs when there is a very strong blow to the intimate region that causes the outer membrane of the testicle to rupture, causing very intense pain and swelling of the scrotum.

Usually, this type of injury is more frequent in just one testicle and in athletes who play high impact sports, such as football or tennis, for example, but it can also happen due to traffic accidents when the testicle is pressed too hard against the bones of the pelvic region, especially in motorcycle accidents.

Whenever there is a suspicion of testicular rupture, it is recommended to go immediately to the emergency room to have an ultrasound exam and evaluate the structure of the testicles. If there is a rupture, surgery is necessary to correct the injury.

Main symptoms

Testicular rupture usually causes very intense symptoms, such as:

  • Very severe pain in the testicles; Swelling of the scrotum; Increased sensitivity in the testicles region; Hematoma and purple spot in the testicles; Presence of blood in the urine; Uncontrollable urge to vomit.

In some cases, due to very severe pain in the testicles, it is also common for men to pass out. Due to all these symptoms more intense than a simple blow, it is usually easy to identify that it is necessary to go to the hospital.

When the rupture is identified and treated in the first hours, there is a greater success rate to repair the lesion without having to completely remove the affected testicle.

How the treatment is done

The treatment of testicular rupture should be guided by a urologist, however, it is almost always necessary to perform surgery with general anesthesia to stop the bleeding, remove the tissue from the dying testicle and close the rupture in the membrane.

In the most severe cases, the testicle can be very affected and, therefore, before starting the surgery the doctor usually asks for authorization to remove the affected testicle if necessary.

How is recovery from surgery

After surgery for testicular rupture, it is necessary to have a small drain in the scrotum, which consists of a thin tube that helps to remove excess fluids and blood that can accumulate during the healing process. This drain is usually removed after 24 hours before the patient returns home.

After discharge, it is necessary to take the antibiotics prescribed by the urologist, as well as anti-inflammatory drugs, not only to relieve discomfort but also to speed up recovery. It is also advisable to keep as much rest as possible in bed and apply cold compresses whenever necessary to reduce swelling and improve pain.

The review consultation after the surgery usually takes place after 1 month and serves to assess the state of healing and to receive guidance on the types of exercises that can be done.

Testicular rupture can be caused by heavy blows to the groin