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Sexual intercourse in the pool can transmit diseases


Sexual intercourse in a hot tub, jacuzzi, swimming pool or even in sea water can be dangerous, as there is a risk of irritation, infection or burning in the intimate area of ​​the man or woman. Some of the symptoms that can arise can include burning, itching, pain or discharge.

This is because the waters are full of bacteria and chemicals that can cause irritation and infections, and because ironically the water dries out all the natural lubrication in the vagina, which increases friction during intimate contact, which can cause burns. In addition, water treated with chlorine to eliminate impurities and kill germs, can also be dangerous, as there is a waiting period of 8 to 12 hours where it is contraindicated to use water.

Signs and symptoms of irritation or burning

After intercourse inside the bathtub, jacuzzi or swimming pool, signs and symptoms, similar to a diaper rash, may appear, such as:

  • Burning in the vagina, vulva or penis; Intense redness in the genitals; Pain during intimate contact; In women, the pain may radiate to the pelvic region; Itching or vaginal discharge. Find out what each color of discharge means by clicking here. Feeling of intense heat in the region.

In addition to these possible symptoms, intimate contact in water also increases the risk of urinary infections, cystitis or pyelonephritis.

These signs can appear during intimate contact and are maintained, and can become even more serious hours after intimate contact. When observing these signs, you should go to the emergency room, explaining that you were involved in a sexual relationship in water, as this information is important for doctors to be able to indicate the best treatment.

In addition, the intimate relationship in water does not eliminate the risk of contracting other sexually transmitted diseases, such as gonorrhea, AIDS, genital herpes or Syphilis. Find out all about sexually transmitted diseases by clicking here.

How to treat

If intercourse in water causes symptoms such as burning, itching, discharge or pain during sexual contact, it is possible that there is some burning or irritation in the intimate area, so it is important to consult the doctor. The only thing that is advised to do while waiting for the consultation, is to put a cold water compress in the intimate area, which will keep the skin hydrated and fresh, relieving the symptoms of burning, pain or discomfort. The used compress must be clean and to prevent it from sticking to the skin, it is important to keep it wet.

The doctor needs to personally observe the region, so that he can carry out the necessary tests and recommend the best treatment.

When there is burning and mild itching it is a sign that there was no serious burn, and the doctor may recommend the use of ointments with a calming and healing effect, which should be applied to the intimate area daily, until the symptoms disappear completely. On the other hand, when there are symptoms of burning, pain, redness and feeling of intense heat in the intimate region, there are suspicions of chemical burn in the intimate region, such as that caused by chlorine for example. In this situation, the doctor may prescribe the use of antibiotics in the form of pills to take and ointment to pass on the genital area daily and sexual abstinence for 6 weeks may also be recommended.

If symptoms do not improve after 2 days of treatment, it is recommended that you consult your doctor again to assess the situation. This type of accident is more frequent in people with a tendency to skin allergies or with great sensitivity in the intimate region, but it can always happen to anyone.

How to protect yourself

To avoid this type of discomfort it is recommended not to have intimate contact in water, especially in a swimming pool, jacuzzi, hot tub or in the sea, as these waters may contain bacteria or chemicals that are harmful to health.

Using a condom in these situations will not be enough to avoid this type of problem, as they are not as effective in water, with the constant risk of friction leading to the condom breaking. However, it is good to remember that condoms are effective in protecting against sexually transmitted diseases.

Sexual intercourse in the pool can transmit diseases