Home Bulls Chickenpox in baby: symptoms, transmission and treatment

Chickenpox in baby: symptoms, transmission and treatment


Baby chickenpox, also called chickenpox, is an infectious disease caused by a virus that leads to the appearance of red pellets on the skin that itch a lot. This disease is more common in babies and children up to 10 years old and can easily be transmitted through contact with the fluids released by the bubbles that appear on the skin or through the inhalation of respiratory secretions that are suspended in the air when the person with chickenpox cough or sneeze.

The treatment of chicken pox is done with the aim of relieving symptoms, and the use of medications to lower fever and relieve itching may be recommended by pediatricians. It is important that the child with chicken pox does not burst the blisters and avoid contact with other children for about 7 days, as this way it is possible to prevent the transmission of the virus.

Chickenpox symptoms in the baby

Symptoms of chickenpox in the baby appear about 10 to 21 days after contact with the virus responsible for the disease, varicella-zoster, with the appearance of blisters on the skin, initially on the chest and then spread through the arms and legs., which are filled with liquid and, after breaking, give rise to small wounds on the skin. Other symptoms of chickenpox in the baby are:

  • Fever; Itchy skin; Easy crying; Decreased desire to eat; Discomfort and irritation.

It is important that the child is taken to the pediatrician as soon as the first symptoms appear, and it is recommended that he / she not go to the day care center or school for about 7 days or until the pediatrician's indication.

How the transmission happens

Chickenpox transmission can happen through saliva, sneezing, coughing or contact with a target or surfaces contaminated by the virus. In addition, the virus can be transmitted through contact with the liquid released from the bubbles when they burst.

When the child is already infected, the transmission time of the virus lasts, on average, 5 to 7 days and, during this period, the child should not contact other children. In addition, children who have already received the chickenpox vaccine may also have the disease again, but in a milder way, with fewer blisters and a low fever.

How the treatment is done

The treatment of chicken pox in the baby should be done according to the pediatrician's guidance and aims to relieve the symptoms and reduce the baby's discomfort, being recommended:

  • Cut the baby's nails, to prevent it from scratching and bursting the bubbles, avoiding not only wounds but also the risk of transmission; Apply a towel wet with cold water to the places that itch the most; Avoid sun exposure and heat; Wear light clothing, as sweat can make itching worse; Measure the baby's temperature with a thermometer, to see if he has a fever every 2 hours and give medicines to lower the fever, such as Paracetamol, according to the pediatrician's indication; Apply ointments to the skin as directed by the doctor, such as Povidine.

In addition, it is recommended that the baby not have contact with other children to prevent transmission of the virus to other children. In addition, one of the most effective ways to prevent chicken pox is through vaccination, which is offered free by SUS and is indicated for babies from 12 months. See more about chicken pox treatment.

When to return to the pediatrician

It is important to go back to the pediatrician in case the baby has a fever above 39ÂșC, even using the medications already recommended, and to have all the skin red, in addition to consulting the pediatrician when the itchiness is severe and prevents the baby from sleeping. or when infected wounds and / or pus appear.

In these cases, it may be necessary to take medication to relieve itching and treat wound infection, so it is important to go to the doctor so that he can prescribe antiviral drugs, for example.

Chickenpox in baby: symptoms, transmission and treatment