
Genetic mapping is performed by a multidisciplinary team under the guidance of a geneticist and is carried out in three stages. See what are the steps of genetic counseling
Strongyloidiasis causes symptoms such as abdominal pain and diarrhea, and should be treated with vermifuge remedies. Understand what it is, how to identify and treat strongyloidiasis
The bloated stomach can happen due to excessive gas production, food intolerance or even a sign of stomach cancer. Find out what can be a bloated stomach and what to do.
The ASLO exam is done mainly to confirm the diagnosis of rheumatic fever and must be done on an empty stomach. Understand what this exam is for and how it is done.
Admission and dismissal examinations are carried out before the admission and dismissal of an employee and aim to assess the general health of the worker. Find out what these exams are and what they are for.
The BERA exam is done to check the hearing capacity mainly of premature babies or those who had altered results in the ear test. Understand how this exam is done and when it is indicated.
Estrone, also known as E1, is one of three types of the hormone estrogen, which also includes estradiol, or E2, and estriol, E3. Your test can help confirm the presence of some type of cancer, but it can also be done only to assess the risk of cardiovascular disease
What it is: Creatinophosphokinase, known by the acronym CPK or CK, is an enzyme that acts mainly on muscle tissues, the brain and the heart, and its dosage is requested to investigate possible damage to these organs. The doctor can order this test when the person arrives at
The examination of albumin is usually requested by the doctor to investigate possible changes in the kidneys and liver, in addition to checking the person's general nutritional status. Understand how the albumin test is done, reference values ​​and what the results mean.
The phosphorus test is done when the person has symptoms of hypocalcemia or the doctor suspects problems with the gastrointestinal or kidney tract. Understand how the blood phosphorus test is done and what the results mean.
Sputum testing may be ordered when a lung infection, such as tuberculosis or pneumonia, is suspected. See how it is done, how to prepare and what are the possible results
The CA 15.3 exam is indicated to check for relapse and to evaluate the treatment of breast cancer. See how this exam is done and what it is for.
The blood protein test can be used to diagnose nutritional status or some diseases. Know when to do it and what the result means
The bilirubin test looks at the amount of this substance in the blood and can help diagnose liver disease or anemia.
Urea measurement is a blood test that, if altered, can indicate kidney problems. Find out how it's done and the values
The CA-125 blood test helps diagnose cases of endometriosis and ovarian or uterine cancer. See what the result means.
What it is: The cerebrospinal fluid, also called cerebrospinal fluid, is a liquid that is present inside the spinal canal and that surrounds the brain. The examination consists of assessing the pressure of this liquid as well as its appearance. What is the cerebrospinal fluid examination for?
The estradiol test is widely used to identify cases of infertility and can be done on both women and men. See how to prepare for the exam and what your result means
This test is done in cases of suspected diabetes and, therefore, its result can help the doctor confirm the diagnosis. Understand how it is done and what results can indicate changes
The LDH test, also known as lactate dehydrogenase or lactic dehydrogenase, is an exam that is primarily requested to investigate heart or liver disease. Understand what the LDH test is, when it is indicated and what the result may mean
The AST blood test, also known as the TGO test, is required to assess liver function. When AST is high it can indicate pancreatitis, hepatitis and cirrhosis, for example. Learn how to understand the TGO-AST exam
The CA 19-9 exam is a type of blood test that assesses the presence of a protein in cancer cells and can identify cancer. Find out how the exam is done and how to understand its results
The anti-hbs test is requested as the objective of knowing whether or not the person has immunity against hepatitis B. Understand how this test is done and how to understand the results
The PCA 3 test is a urine test that aims to identify the presence of the PCA 3 gene, which is normally increased in the case of prostate cancer. Understand what the PCA 3 exam is, what it is for and when it is indicated.
The dermatological examination aims to identify lesions hitherto unknown to the person and their possible causes. Understand how the dermatological exam is done.
The best urine test to do at home and detect a urinary tract infection is performed with a strip that you can buy at the pharmacy and soak in a small amount of urine made in a clean container such as a plastic cup, for example. This urine test is very simple and can be done ...
A 24-hour urinalysis assesses the clearance of creatine, albumin, sodium and other substances that help to discover health problems. The collection of all urine must be done in a specific plastic container, provided by the laboratory. Know the care you must take and the ...
The alkaline phosphatase test is used to detect liver or bone diseases. See what it consists of and what it means high and low alkaline phosphatase.
The baseline GH test or with clonidine or insulin stimuli, for example, are indicated to assess the excess or lack of growth hormone in the body. Know how it is done and when it is indicated.
Uroculture is the most suitable urine test to diagnose urinary infection, as it detects the amount of bacteria and antibiotics that can be chosen for treatment. Find out what are the ways to collect, how to prepare for the exam and how to understand the result
The glucose test is done to check blood sugar levels, being a fundamental test for the diagnosis of diabetes. Understand how the exam is done and what the reference values ​​are
The test to diagnose gestational diabetes should be done between 24-28 weeks of pregnancy and consists of taking 75 g of a very sweet syrup, and performing blood collection soon after, 1 and 2 hours later. Check out how to prepare and the results
The troponin test is used to confirm a heart attack, but it can also identify other lesions in the heart. See what the result can mean.
What it is: The cortisol test is usually ordered to check for problems with the adrenal glands or the pituitary gland, because cortisol is a hormone produced and regulated by these glands. So, when there is a change in normal cortisol values ​​it is normal that ...
The PTH test is primarily required to diagnose hyper and hypoparathyroidism. Understand how this exam is done and what the results can mean.
To collect the feces for exams and not contaminate them with urine or water from the pot, you can use a potty, a newspaper sheet or a plastic bag and then put the feces in the little pot given by the laboratory. Know the types of exams that exist, and how to collect and store feces correctly