Electroneuromyography is an exam that evaluates the nerves and muscles of the arms and legs. Find out how the test is done, what it is for and what diseases it detects
Jaw pain can be caused by diseases such as cluster headache, osteomyelitis, bruxism or temporomandibular dysfunction. See more and know what to do in each situation
To lose 1 kg a week in health, you should eat everything we suggest in this menu, even if you don't feel hungry. In addition, in order to lose weight fast and lose a healthy belly, it is also important to walk or dance for at least 30 minutes every day during this week. It is...
Elephantiasis is a disease caused by the larva of the filaria, transmitted by the mosquito bite, causing exaggerated swelling. Learn how to treat and prevent
In the ketogenic diet menu, avoid foods rich in carbohydrates such as rice and pasta, and increase the consumption of meat and oils. See an example menu for 3 days
Electrophoresis is a laboratory technique based on the migration potential of molecules according to their electrical charge and size. Understand what electrophoresis is, what it is for and how it is done
Hemoglobin electrophoresis is a diagnostic technique that makes it possible to identify the presence of normal or abnormal circulating hemoglobins, and is therefore useful for the diagnosis of sickle cell anemia and thalassemia, for example. Understand what it is for, how it is made and how to interpret ...
Protein electrophoresis is a test indicated to investigate diseases that can cause changes in the amount of proteins circulating in the blood. Understand what protein electrophoresis is, what it is for and how to understand the result
What it is: Viral encephalitis is an infection of the central nervous system that causes inflammation of the brain and affects mainly babies and children, but it can also happen in adults with weakened immune systems. This type of infection can be caused by different ...
Endemia corresponds to the frequency of the occurrence of a disease in a given region, having no relation to the number of cases. Understand what is endemic, the main endemic diseases and how to prevent
Changes in heart rate, heart murmurs and even infarction can be detected by electrocardiogram. Better understand its function and how it is done.
Equine encephalomyelitis is a viral disease caused by a virus of the genus Alphavirus, which is transmitted between birds and wild rodents, through the bite of mosquitoes of the genus Culex, Aedes, Anopheles or Culiseta. Know the symptoms and see how the treatment is done
Fat embolism is the occlusion of blood vessels by drops of fat and affects organs such as the brain, lungs and skin. See how it happens and the treatment
The endocrinologist may recommend weight loss drugs or bariatric surgery. See when your help is needed and what else it can handle.
Nausea, also called nausea, is the symptom that causes retching and when this sign is constant it can be a sign of pregnancy, labyrinthitis or occurs because of treatment such as chemotherapy. Find out more other causes of constant seasickness and what to do
Enterobacter gergoviae is a bacterium present in several environments and is often found in cosmetic and personal use products, and it is important to have greater care and infection control in the production of these products. Learn more about Enterobacter gergoviae and what you can ...
Entesopathy or enthesitis is the inflammation of the region that connects the tendon to the bone, called enthesitis. This inflammation creates pain and can often limit movement. Learn more about enthesopathy, main causes and how treatment is done.
It is possible to become pregnant after bariatric surgery, but care must be taken with feeding to ensure the baby's health. See which
The opaque enema exam or opaque enema, is an exam that uses x-ray and contrast, usually barium sulfate, to study the shape and function of the large intestine and rectum, to detect possible intestinal problems, such as diverticulitis or polyps, for example. Find out how is the preparation for this ...
The use of corticosteroids may be the best solution for several health problems, but this type of medicine can cause some side effects, such as changes in the skin, bones, immune system, or even put on weight. know more
Migraine with aura is characterized by visual changes, which can last between 15 and 60 minutes, followed by a strong and constant headache. Understand what migraine with aura is, symptoms and causes.
Electrotherapy involves a set of physiotherapeutic treatments, such as TENS, ultrasound, Russian current and laser. Check out more examples, what each one is for and when they cannot be done.
Enterovirus infection is characterized by headache, vomiting and, in some cases, sores in the mouth and throat. Learn how to identify enterovirus infection and how treatment is done
Geotherapy is a type of alternative therapy that is especially indicated for the treatment of muscle pain and tension. See all the benefits and how to use correctly
Medial epicondylitis is a type of tendonitis in which there is inflammation of the tendon that connects the wrist to the elbow. Learn to recognize the symptoms of medial epicondylitis and how it is treated
Pain in the outermost part of the elbow may be caused by lateral epicondylitis, which may be related to repeated forced movements
Chronic migraine is a severe, throbbing headache that lasts more than 15 days, causing symptoms such as nausea, insomnia and anxiety and can be caused by overuse of painkillers. Find out more about other symptoms and treatment options
Ankle sprain usually happens when a person 'misses the step' by turning the foot out, on uneven ground or on a step. Here's how to treat.
Hip epiphysiolysis can be mistaken for muscle or bone pain. Learn how to identify symptoms and how treatment is done
Eosinophilia corresponds to an increase in the amount of eosinophils in the blood, being most often the result of allergic reactions or infections. Understand what eosinophilia is, main causes and what to do
The multidisciplinary health team is formed by a group of health professionals who work together in order to reach a common goal. See how it works and who can join
Riding therapy is a type of horse therapy that is widely used to treat people with special needs, such as Down syndrome and autism, for example. Discover the benefits of riding therapy.