
The gamma glutamyl transferase (GGT) test is usually done to identify liver damage, such as hepatitis or cirrhosis. Learn more and see what high or low GGT exam means
Examination of the cervix is ​​usually done mainly by performing a test known as a pap smear, which is simple and painless and is important for all women, especially those of childbearing age. This exam must be performed annually to ...
The MAPA exam allows blood pressure to be recorded over a 24-hour period and is indicated by a cardiologist to diagnose systemic arterial hypertension or to assess whether a particular treatment for high blood pressure is being effective. See more about the preparation and how it is ...
The best way to know if a person has HPV is through diagnostic tests that include warts, pap smears, peniscopy, hybrid capture, colposcopy or blood tests, which can be requested by the gynecologist, in the case of the woman, or a urologist , in the case of man.
Physical exercise to get smarter is a scientifically proven way to keep your mind in shape. The type of exercises to build a better and smarter brain are aerobic activities, such as running or swimming, although just walking can improve your ...
The excess of vitamin B6 usually arises in people who supplement the vitamin without the recommendation of a nutritionist, and it is very rare to happen only through eating foods rich in the vitamin, such as salmon, bananas or potatoes. See which foods have the most vitamin B6.
The VDRL exam is used to diagnose or monitor syphilis and should be performed when the disease is suspected, before becoming pregnant and during pregnancy. Learn to understand what your results mean.
Fine Needle Aspiration Puncture - FNAB - is the best test to determine whether a thyroid nodule is benign or malignant, which is essential information to determine the type of treatment to be performed next, which may be surgery for removal thyroid and treatment with ...
The proctological examination aims to identify changes in the anus and rectum, such as hemorrhoids and anal fissures, in addition to also being performed in the prevention of colorectal cancer. Understand what it is, what it is for and how the proctological examination is done
The result of the FAN test helps to diagnose autoimmune diseases like lupus or rheumatoid arthritis. Understand what the FAN exam is for and how to understand the result
Urine testing is usually done to assess kidney function and detect infections in the urinary tract. See exam types and values
The VHS test is widely used to identify inflammations and infections in the body, which can generate high results. See how the VHS exam is done, how it is done and what it is for
Gynecological examinations are requested by the gynecologist annually to ensure the health and well-being of the woman. Find out which are the 8 main exams recommended by the gynecologist
The TSH test is used to assess thyroid function, and in case of hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, or in the case of thyroid cancer. Find out what high, low TSH means when ordered and the reference values ​​according to the age or stage of pregnancy.
Find out what are all the blood tests, imaging and biopsy that the doctor can ask to assess the health of the liver.
Excess iron in the blood can be treated with the use of medications, dietary changes and therapeutic bleeding. See how each is done
Diabetes can be diagnosed by blood test, glucose tolerance test or glycated hemoglobin. Learn more about diabetes tests and how to understand the results
Tests that can be ordered to identify endometriosis, which causes severe menstrual cramps and pelvic pain during or after intimate contact, include ultrasound, MRI and the CA 125 exam. Find out other tests and how they can help diagnose endometriosis
The toxicological examination allows to identify the use of drugs and toxic substances in the last 6 months. Understand how it works and what substances are detected
The rash, also known as a skin rash, appears as red patches on the skin and has several types, depending on the size and location of the lesions. It is caused by allergies, medication use and viral infections. Learn other causes of the rash's appearance and what is its treatment
Simple exams that every woman should do to detect early different diseases of women: Mammography: a nually from 40 years old. If you have a case of breast cancer in your family as a grandmother, mother or sister, you should start mammography at age 35. This exam detects early ...
The T3 test is usually ordered when the T4 and TSH results have changed or when hyperthyroidism is suspected. See what the T3 exam is for and how to understand the results.
The T4 exam aims to assess the functioning of the thyroid by measuring the total hormone T4 and free T4. See how the T4 exam is done and when to do it.
Before having a plastic surgery, it is necessary to perform some tests such as blood and urine tests, ECG and imaging tests so that the doctor can assess the person's health status and identify any possible risk of complications. See the main preoperative exams
The vitamin D test is usually required to diagnose vitamin D deficiency or when signs of bone softening are noted. Find out how the vitamin D test is done, what it is for and what the results mean.
See exercises that can help people who stutter speak better
Proprioception exercises help in the recovery of injuries in the knee joints or ligaments because they force the body to adapt to the injury, avoiding too much effort in the affected area in daily activities, such as running, walking or climbing stairs, for example. These exercises ...
Proprioception exercises speed up the recovery of injuries in the joint, ligaments, muscles or tendons of the shoulder because they help the body adapt to the affected limb, avoiding unnecessary efforts during daily activities, such as moving the arm, grabbing ...
Proprioception exercises promote the recovery of injuries in the joints or ligaments because they force the body to adapt to the injury, avoiding too much effort in the affected area in daily activities, such as walking or climbing stairs, for example. These exercises must be done ...
Trigger finger exercises, which occur when the finger bends suddenly, serve to strengthen the extensor muscles of the hand, especially the affected finger, contrary to the natural movement that the trigger finger does. These exercises are important because normally ...
Find out which exercises you can do at home and in physiotherapy to deal with knee arthrosis and which are not recommended.
People who suffer from pain in the sciatic nerve can perform stretching exercises and after relieving the pain, they can start muscle strengthening. See how to do each exercise
The correct position of the tongue inside the mouth is important for correct diction but it also influences the posture of the jaw, head and consequently of the body, and when it is too 'loose' it can push the teeth out, causing the teeth to move away from the front. The position...