
Eosinophils can be high or low, called eosinophilia or eosinopenia. Know your normal values, symptoms and main causes.
What it is: Scrofulosis, also called ganglion tuberculosis, is a disease that manifests itself by the formation of hard and painful tumors in the lymph nodes, especially those located in the chin, neck, armpits and groins, due to the presence of the Bacillus of Koch out of ...
The Glasgow Scale, also known as the Glasgow Coma Scale, is a technique that was developed at the University of Glasgow, Scotland, to assess trauma situations, namely traumatic brain injury. Learn more and see how it is determined
The winged scapula is characterized by the incorrect positioning of the scapula, which is a bone present in the back, which can happen due to the weakening of the muscles in the region or due to very strong blows in the area, for example. Understand what is the winged scapula, main causes and ...
Escherichia coli is a group of gram negative bacteria that cause infections in the intestine or urine. Know the types, symptoms, treatment and prevention
Bullous erysipelas is a more severe form of erysipelas, which can cause serious injuries and the formation of blisters on the skin. Check out how to identify, what causes and how to use antibiotics in treatment.


Scurvy is a currently rare disease, caused by a severe lack of vitamin C that manifests itself through symptoms such as easy bleeding of the gums when brushing teeth and difficult healing, and its treatment is done with vitamin C supplementation.
Sclerotherapy, also popularly known as "varicose vein application" is a type of treatment that helps to reduce the appearance of some varicose veins and spider veins. See what are the most common questions about this type of technique
Lumbar scoliosis is the lateral deviation of the spine that occurs at the end of the spine. Treatment can be done with physiotherapy, exercise, wearing vests, and in the most severe cases, surgery. See more treatment details
The sphygmomanometer is a device widely used in the hospital that helps the doctor or nurse to assess blood pressure. Better understand what types of devices exist and how to use them correctly
The spermogram is the test normally requested to assess the reproductive capacity of men. Understand how this exam is done and how to prepare
Noctal is an oral sleep inducer that acts as a central nervous system depressant. Indications Insomnia Side effects Changes in the blood; ataxia; dry mouth; Headache; joint pain; numbness; weakness; emotional instability; decreased mobility; ...
In most cases, yellowish sperm is not considered a disturbing change. However, there are more serious situations that can cause a more permanent change and that need to be evaluated by a doctor. See the most frequent causes and what to do
Sperm culture is an exam that aims to assess the quality of semen and detect the presence of microorganisms, responsible for causing diseases. See what it is for and what the procedure consists of
The most common mistakes in feeding children include eating cookies, cakes and soda daily, which are high in sugar and fat, and eating too few vegetables, fruits and vegetables. Check out others and see strategies for getting your child's food right.
Spasticity is a condition in which the muscles undergo involuntary contractions, which can influence body posture, leaving the arm rigid or causing muscle spasms, for example. The treatment for spasticity can be done with physical therapy. Learn more other symptoms and ...
Bad eating habits, such as skipping meals and consuming a lot of processed meat, favor weight gain and the onset of disease. See more.
Ankylosing spondylitis is a chronic inflammatory disease characterized mainly by low back pain that worsens at rest but improves during physical activity. Understand what ankylosing spondylitis is, main symptoms and how treatment is done
Spondyloarthrosis is a type of arthrosis in the spine that causes severe back pain requiring treatment with medication and physical therapy.
Scoliosis is when the spine is crooked in the shape of an 'S' and can be treated with exercise, orthopedic vest or spine surgery.
Cervical spondyloarthrosis is a type of arthrosis that affects the joints of the spine in the neck region, causing symptoms such as constant pain in the neck and tingling in the shoulder region. See the other symptoms and what is the recommended treatment
The removal of the spleen, splenectomy, may be necessary after a trauma with rupture or in case of illness. Surgery is simple, and can be done with laparoscopy, but then lifelong care is needed to prevent illness and complications. Find out what this care is ...
The spirometry test is a diagnostic test that allows you to assess lung lung volumes, helping to diagnose diseases such as COPD, asthma or cystic fibrosis, for example. See how to interpret the results and how to prepare for the exam
What it is: The state of shock is characterized by insufficient oxygenation of vital organs, which happens due to acute circulatory insufficiency, which can be caused by factors such as trauma, organ perforation, emotions, cold or extreme heat, surgery, among others. Case...
Splenomegaly consists of an enlarged spleen, which can be caused by certain diseases. See what these diseases, what symptoms can arise and how is the treatment done
The vegetative state happens when a person is awake, but is not conscious and also has no voluntary movement. See why it happens, when it has a cure and what are the main causes
Spondylolysis occurs when a spinal vertebra is badly positioned, causing back pain and tingling when there is a herniated disc or nerve compression. Know more.
Back pain is the main symptom of lumbar spondyloarthrosis, learn how to treat it.
Hidden spina bifida is a congenital malformation that develops in the baby in the first month of pregnancy and is characterized by incomplete closure of the spine. Usually it goes unnoticed, however, one of the symptoms is the growth of a tuft of hair on the back of the ...
The treatment of muscle stretching can be performed at home with simple measures such as rest, use of ice and compressive ligation. Check out what else you can do to recover faster
What it is: Schistosomiasis, popularly known as schistosomiasis, water belly or snail disease, is an infectious disease caused by the parasite Schistosoma mansoni, which can be found in water from rivers and lakes and can penetrate people's skin and, initially cause redness and ...
Stinging pain in the heel when stepping on the floor after waking up is the main symptom of heel spurs. Learn why it appears
The herpes virus can cause thrush and sores in the baby's mouth, an infection known as Herpetic Gingivostomatitis. Know the main symptoms.
The high stomach can happen due to genetic factors, poor diet, physical inactivity and intestinal problems, for example. Learn more about the causes of high stomach and what to do
Although these two injuries are generally used interchangeably, they are different. Understand where the difference is
Deep brain stimulation is already carried out in Brazil, and can improve Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, depression, epilepsy and other diseases. Know how.