Home Bulls Topotecan



Topotecan is the active substance in an antineoplastic medication known commercially as Hycamtin.

This injectable drug is indicated for cancer in the ovary and lung, altering the functioning of cells during cell reproduction and preventing the cancer from spreading to other organs of the body-

Topotecan indications

Ovarian carcinoma; lung carcinoma (small cell).

Topotecan Price

The box of Topotecan of 4 mg costs approximately 1, 300 reais.

Topotecan Side Effects

Abdominal pain; diarrhea; nausea; lack of appetite; vomiting; inflammation in the mouth; anemia; decreased platelets in the blood; decrease in leukocytes in the blood; decrease in neutrophils in the blood; skeletal pain; back pain; hair loss; breathing difficulties; cough; fatigue; headache weakness; fever.

Topotecan contraindications

Pregnancy risk D; breast-feeding; pre-existing or treatment-related bone marrow depression; severe impairment of renal function.

How to Use Topotecan

Injectable Use

Adults and Seniors

  • Ovarian carcinoma: 1.5 mg per square meter of body surface per day, for 5 consecutive days; repeated every 21 days. Lung carcinoma (small cells): 1.25 to 2 mg (usually 1.5 mg) per square meter of body surface per day, for 5 consecutive days; repeated every 21 days.

Attention: Treatments must have a minimum duration of 4 cycles.
