Conduct disorder is a psychological disorder that can be diagnosed in childhood in which the child exhibits selfish, violent and manipulative attitudes that can directly interfere with his performance at school and in his relationship with family and friends.
Although the diagnosis is more frequent in childhood or during adolescence, conduct disorder can also be identified from the age of 18, becoming known as Antisocial Personality Disorder, in which the person acts with indifference and often violates the rights of others. people. Learn to identify Antisocial Personality Disorder.
How to identify
The identification of the conduct disorder must be done by the psychologist or the psychiatrist based on the observation of various behaviors that the child may present and these must last at least 6 months before the diagnosis of conduct disorder can be concluded. The main symptoms indicative of this psychological disorder are:
- Lack of empathy and concern for others; Defiance and defiant behavior; Manipulation and frequent lies; Frequent blaming others; Little tolerance of frustration, often showing irritability bouts; Aggressiveness; Menacing behavior, which can start fights, for example; frequent home; Theft and / or theft; Destruction of property and vandalism; Attitudes of cruel to animals or people.
As these behaviors deviate from what is expected for the child, it is important that the child is taken to the psychologist or psychiatrist as soon as he / she presents any suggestive behavior. Thus, it is possible to assess the child's behavior and make a differential diagnosis for other psychological disorders or those related to the child's development.
How treatment should be
Treatment should be based on the behaviors presented by the child, their intensity and frequency and should be done mainly through therapy, in which the psychologist or psychiatrist evaluates the behaviors and tries to identify the cause and understand the motivation. In some cases, the psychiatrist may recommend the use of some medications, such as mood stabilizers, antidepressants and antipsychotics, which allow self-control and the improvement of the conduct disorder.
When conduct disorder is considered serious, in which the person poses a risk to other people, it is indicated that he / she be referred to a treatment center so that his / her behavior is worked on properly and, thus, it is possible to improve this disorder.