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Care when buying medication over the internet


Purchases of medicines and supplements over the internet can make life easier, for the convenience of not even having to leave the house, however, it is necessary to pay attention to some precautions to avoid unpleasant surprises and even health problems.

Health problems can happen, for example, when the person thinks he bought a real medicine, and received a fake version and without repairing it, uses the fake one that has no effect, perpetuating the disease, postponing the cure and causing poisoning.

So, to avoid this type of situation, be aware of the following steps that we indicate here.

1. Check that the medicine is not counterfeit

You can check if the remedy is the original and not a counterfeit copy, observing if the package is properly sealed and has a security stripe and bar code.

You should always be suspicious if the medicine does not come in the original box, is not properly sealed or if the packaging says that the box contains X tablets, ampoules or pills and this amount is not found inside the box.

Comparing the box, packaging and the tablet you already have at home with the one you bought online can also help identify counterfeits.

Anabolic steroids are red-stripe medications that need to have a prescription withheld at the pharmacy or drugstore, so extra attention should be paid to anabolic steroids sold freely on some websites, because they are very likely to be counterfeit or smuggled.

2. Do not take medicine or supplement on your own

All remedies should only be used after the doctor's indication because they have side effects and contraindications that must be respected to protect the health of the individual.

Vitamin supplements and sports supplements should also only be used under the prescription of a nutritionist or nutritionist because although they appear harmless, they also have their side effects and contraindications. In addition, excess vitamins are also harmful to health and can cause hypervitaminosis that manifests itself through symptoms such as nausea and vomiting, among others.

Over-the-counter medications, which have no stripe on their packaging, such as Paracetamol and Ibuprofen, should also only be used under the guidance of a health professional such as the pharmacist, for example. Know the health risks of taking drugs or supplements without medical advice.

3. Buy from a trusted website

Only pharmacies and drugstores can sell medicines over the internet. So, in order to recognize a trustworthy website, one must check if its address is .com or. com, as these domains, according to Anvisa, are the most secure. Check the reputation of the site and if your service is safe on the site Reclame Aqui is also a good strategy, in addition to reading the comments that other people left on the site itself.

You should also be wary of pages on the internet that have spelling errors, or that do not have a phone number or e-mail address to contact. You can try to call the site or send an email with a question, just to see if they really answer. Some websites and online pharmacies have Facebook pages and answer questions sent by private messages within minutes.

Before purchasing, you should also check the website's security policy and how they handle exchanges and returns of products ordered over the internet.

Medicines that have a red or black stripe and that need to be kept on prescription because they can cause addiction or chemical dependency cannot always be purchased over the internet. So if the website sells this type of medicine, it is very likely that it will not be reliable.

4. Check if the medicine is approved by Anvisa

Some sites may sell drugs that have not yet been approved by Anvisa - National Health Surveillance Agency, which is responsible for the safety of the drugs, which may not be safe and should not be purchased and used because they may not have been subjected to all tests yet. that verify the indications, contraindications, side effects and method of use, which can put the person's life at risk.

Food supplements such as vitamins, multivitamins and supplements for athletes do not need registration with Anvisa but should only be used under the guidance of a nutritionist or pharmacist.

Care when buying medication over the internet