Home Home-Remedies 4 Natural Treatments for Sinusitis

4 Natural Treatments for Sinusitis


A great natural treatment for sinusitis is inhalation with eucalyptus, but washing the nose with coarse salt, and cleaning your nose with saline are also good options.

However, these homemade strategies do not replace the drugs recommended by the doctor, which will fight the microorganisms involved in this infection, being only a way to complement the treatment through natural strategies.

1. Inhalation of eucalyptus for sinusitis

A great natural treatment for sinusitis is the inhalation of eucalyptus vapor because it is a medicinal plant that has antiseptic properties that help to decrease the accumulation of mucus in the airways,


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Method of preparation:

Just add all the ingredients in a saucepan and boil. When the water is boiling, bring your face close to the container and inhale the steam for approximately 15 minutes.

This procedure should be done preferably before going to sleep and to ensure the effectiveness of the treatment, the individual with sinusitis should not be exposed to cold after inhalation.

2. Nasal lavage for sinusitis

Another good home treatment for acute sinusitis is to wash your nose with saline because it will clean the dirt and moisturize the nasal mucosa.


1 tablespoon of saline placed in a dropper

Method of preparation:

Just put a few drops of saline in a nostril, cover it and turn your head slightly backwards, without swallowing the product, so that it acts for a few minutes.

Then tilt your head forward and blow your nose until the liquid stops flowing. Do the same in the other nostril. Repeat the process whenever you feel a blocked nose.

3. Watercress syrup for sinusitis

The red onion is also a good home remedy for sinusitis because it contains decongestant and anti-inflammatory properties that help to empty the sinuses while reducing inflammation. In addition, red onion is great for curing allergies by decreasing phlegm production.


  • Add the onion and cook until golden, about 5 minutes.

Method of preparation:

Chop the watercress and onions and then place them in a container. Add honey or brown sugar to the mixture and cook over low heat. Then squeeze the ingredients with a strainer and store the syrup in a dark glass container. Drink 1 tablespoon 4 times a day, for 1 month.

4. Inhalation of herbs for sinusitis

The inhalation of herbal vapor is also a great form of complementary treatment in sinusitis, as the warm, moist air can fluidize the nasal secretions, facilitating their exit, bringing immediate relief from pain and discomfort.


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Method of preparation:

Simply mix all the ingredients in a low, wide container, place an open bath towel over your head, so that it also covers this container, and bring your face closer, inhaling the steam that comes out of the mixture for at least 10 minutes. It is important to ensure that the towel seals the steam outlet, to ensure its effectiveness. This inhalation must be repeated twice a day.

The inhalation of warm vapors releases the phlegm that congests the paranasal sinuses, thus also eliminating the microorganisms present, decreasing the weight of the face and the pain it causes, being also very useful in the treatment of colds and flu.

More homemade recipes

Watch the following video for more natural recipes:

In addition to using these home remedies, treating the symptoms of allergic rhinitis early, avoiding smoking and taking care of any cold carefully is essential to prevent a new sinus attack from appearing and to prevent its chronicity.

4 Natural Treatments for Sinusitis