Home Bulls Cinnamon helps control diabetes

Cinnamon helps control diabetes


The consumption of cinnamon ( Cinnamomum zeylanicum Nees ) helps to control type 2 diabetes, which is a disease that develops over the years and is not dependent on insulin. The treatment suggestion for diabetes is to consume 6 g of cinnamon a day, which is equivalent to 1 tsp.

The use of cinnamon can help regulate blood sugar levels and even blood pressure, but medications to control the disease should not be missed, so supplementing with cinnamon is just an additional option for better control blood pressure and decrease the need for insulin.

How to Use Cinnamon for Diabetes

To use cinnamon for diabetes it is recommended to add 1 teaspoon of ground cinnamon in a glass of milk or to sprinkle it over an oatmeal porridge, for example.

You can also drink cinnamon tea pure or mixed with another tea. However, cinnamon should not be consumed in pregnancy because it can lead to uterine contraction, and therefore it is not indicated for treating gestational diabetes. Learn how to prepare a chamomile tea for diabetes.

Learn about other benefits of cinnamon in the following video:

Cinnamon Recipe for Diabetes

A great dessert recipe with cinnamon for diabetes is the baked apple. Just cut an apple into slices, sprinkle it with cinnamon and take it for about 2 minutes in the microwave.

See also how to prepare a porridge for diabetes.

Cinnamon helps control diabetes