Home Symptoms Causes of mastitis, main symptoms and how to treat

Causes of mastitis, main symptoms and how to treat


Mastitis corresponds to inflammation of the breast tissue that may or may not be followed by infection, being more frequent in women during breastfeeding, which generates pain, discomfort and swelling of the breast.

Despite being more common during breastfeeding, mastitis can also occur in healthy men and women or those who are not breastfeeding, and may be due to the use of a tight bra, stress or hormonal changes, for example.

Causes of Mastitis

Mastitis outside breastfeeding can happen as a consequence of hormonal changes, especially in the post-menopausal period, since the mammary ducts can become blocked by dead cells, which favors the proliferation of bacteria, resulting in the symptoms of mastitis.

In addition, excessive sweating, wearing a very tight bra, stress, malnutrition and inflammatory carcinoma, for example, can also lead to inflammation of the breast tissue and the appearance of symptoms.

Some factors can also favor mastitis, such as chronic diseases, AIDS, which leads to greater fragility of the immune system, and diabetes, as there is a greater propensity for infection by bacteria and worsening of symptoms.

Main symptoms

The main indicative symptoms of mastitis are:

  • Chest pain; Swelling; Local redness; Local temperature rise; Malaise; Nausea and vomiting; Fever, which is more common when there is an associated infection.

It is important that mastitis is identified and treated quickly, especially if there is an infection, as it is possible to avoid complications, such as septicemia or the formation of a breast abscess, for example. Learn to recognize the symptoms of mastitis.

How the treatment is done

The treatment for mastitis should be done according to the doctor's recommendation, and the use of anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs, such as Paracetamol and Ibuprofen, is usually recommended to reduce and relieve symptoms.

In the event of an associated infection, the use of antibiotics to treat the infection should be indicated by the doctor, and the use of the antibiotic is usually indicated for about 10 to 14 days according to the microorganism causing the infection. Understand how the treatment for mastitis is done.

Causes of mastitis, main symptoms and how to treat